ID: 1808.02422

All Weight Systems for Calabi-Yau Fourfolds from Reflexive Polyhedra

August 7, 2018

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Friedrich Schöller, Harald Skarke
High Energy Physics - Theory
Algebraic Geometry

For any given dimension $d$, all reflexive $d$-polytopes can be found (in principle) as subpolytopes of a number of maximal polyhedra that are defined in terms of $(d+1)$-tuples of integers (weights), or combinations of $k$-tuples of weights with $k<d+1$. We present the results of a complete classification of sextuples of weights pertaining to the construction of all reflexive polytopes in five dimensions. We find 322 383 760 930 such weight systems. 185 269 499 015 of them give rise directly to reflexive polytopes and thereby to mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau fourfolds. These lead to 532 600 483 distinct sets of Hodge numbers.

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