November 24, 2018
Similar papers 2
December 4, 2020
Complex networks datasets often come with the problem of missing information: interactions data that have not been measured or discovered, may be affected by errors, or are simply hidden because of privacy issues. This Element provides an overview of the ideas, methods and techniques to deal with this problem and that together define the field of network reconstruction. Given the extent of the subject, we shall focus on the inference methods rooted in statistical physics and ...
July 27, 2018
In this article the problem of reconstructing the pattern of connection between agents from partial empirical data in a macro-economic model is addressed, given a set of behavioral equations. This systemic point of view puts the focus on distributional and network effects, rather than time-dependence. Using the theory of complex networks we compare several models to reconstruct both the topology and the flows of money of the different types of monetary transactions, while imp...
May 26, 2023
The structure of many financial networks is protected by privacy and has to be inferred from aggregate observables. Here we consider one of the most successful network reconstruction methods, producing random graphs with desired link density and where the observed constraints (related to the market size of each node) are replicated as averages over the graph ensemble, but not in individual realizations. We show that there is a minimum critical link density below which the met...
October 8, 2014
A major problem in the study of complex socioeconomic systems is represented by privacy issues$-$that can put severe limitations on the amount of accessible information, forcing to build models on the basis of incomplete knowledge. In this paper we investigate a novel method to reconstruct global topological properties of a complex network starting from limited information. This method uses the knowledge of an intrinsic property of the nodes (indicated as fitness), and the nu...
January 28, 2018
Complex networks hosting binary-state dynamics arise in a variety of contexts. In spite of previous works, to fully reconstruct the network structure from observed binary data remains to be challenging. We articulate a statistical inference based approach to this problem. In particular, exploiting the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, we develop a method to ascertain the neighbors of any node in the network based solely on binary data, thereby recovering the full topol...
August 7, 2020
Most empirical studies of complex networks do not return direct, error-free measurements of network structure. Instead, they typically rely on indirect measurements that are often error-prone and unreliable. A fundamental problem in empirical network science is how to make the best possible estimates of network structure given such unreliable data. In this paper we describe a fully Bayesian method for reconstructing networks from observational data in any format, even when th...
April 27, 2010
Network analysis is currently used in a myriad of contexts: from identifying potential drug targets to predicting the spread of epidemics and designing vaccination strategies, and from finding friends to uncovering criminal activity. Despite the promise of the network approach, the reliability of network data is a source of great concern in all fields where complex networks are studied. Here, we present a general mathematical and computational framework to deal with the probl...
February 17, 2024
Networks of financial exposures are the key propagators of risk and distress among banks, but their empirical structure is not publicly available because of confidentiality. This limitation has triggered the development of methods of network reconstruction from partial, aggregate information. Unfortunately, even the best methods available fail in replicating the number of directed cycles, which on the other hand play a crucial role in determining graph spectra and hence the d...
February 6, 2018
Link-prediction is an active research field within network theory, aiming at uncovering missing connections or predicting the emergence of future relationships from the observed network structure. This paper represents our contribution to the stream of research concerning missing links prediction. Here, we propose an entropy-based method to predict a given percentage of missing links, by identifying them with the most probable non-observed ones. The probability coefficients a...
May 2, 2017
Topological metrics of graphs provide a natural way to describe the prominent features of various types of networks. Graph metrics describe the structure and interplay of graph edges and have found applications in many scientific fields. In this work, graph metrics are used in network estimation by developing optimisation methods that incorporate prior knowledge of a network's topology. The derivatives of graph metrics are used in gradient descent schemes for weighted undirec...