ID: 1902.07170

Nucleation during phase transitions in random networks

February 19, 2019

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The existence of explosive phase transitions in random (Erd\H os R\'enyi-type) networks has been recently documented by Achlioptas et al.\ [Science {\bf 323}, 1453 (2009)] via simulations. In this Letter we describe the underlying mechanism behind these first-order phase transitions and develop tools that allow us to identify (and predict) when a random network will exhibit an explosive transition. Several interesting new models displaying explosive transitions are also prese...

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Phase Transitions in Partially Structured Random Graphs

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We study a one parameter family of random graph models that spans a continuum between traditional random graphs of the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi type, where there is no underlying structure, and percolation models, where the possible edges are dictated exactly by a geometry. We find that previously developed theories in the fields of random graphs and percolation have, starting from different directions, covered almost all the models described by our family. In particular, the existe...

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Equilibrium statistical mechanics of network structures

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I. Farkas, I. Derenyi, ... , Vicsek T.
Statistical Mechanics

In this article we give an in depth overview of the recent advances in the field of equilibrium networks. After outlining this topic, we provide a novel way of defining equilibrium graph (network) ensembles. We illustrate this concept on the classical random graph model and then survey a large variety of recently studied network models. Next, we analyze the structural properties of the graphs in these ensembles in terms of both local and global characteristics, such as degree...

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Nucleation in scale-free networks

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We have studied nucleation dynamics of the Ising model in scale-free networks with degree distribution $P(k)\sim k^{-\gamma}$ by using forward flux sampling method, focusing on how the network topology would influence the nucleation rate and pathway. For homogeneous nucleation, the new phase clusters grow from those nodes with smaller degree, while the cluster sizes follow a power-law distribution. Interestingly, we find that the nucleation rate $R_{Hom}$ decays exponentially...

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Relaxation dynamics of maximally clustered networks

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Janis Klaise, Samuel Johnson
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We study the relaxation dynamics of fully clustered networks (maximal number of triangles) to an unclustered state under two different edge dynamics---the double-edge swap, corresponding to degree-preserving randomization of the configuration model, and single edge replacement, corresponding to full randomization of the Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graph. We derive expressions for the time evolution of the degree distribution, edge multiplicity distribution and clustering coeffi...

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Nucleation pathways on complex networks

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Chuansheng Shen, Hanshuang Chen, Zhonghuai Hou
Statistical Mechanics
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Identifying nucleation pathway is important for understanding the kinetics of first-order phase transitions in natural systems. In the present work, we study nucleation pathway of the Ising model in homogeneous and heterogeneous networks using the forward flux sampling method, and find that the nucleation processes represent distinct features along pathways for different network topologies. For homogeneous networks, there always exists a dominant nucleating cluster to which r...

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Topological phase transitions of random networks

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Imre Derenyi, Illes Farkas, ... , Vicsek Tamas
Statistical Mechanics

To provide a phenomenological theory for the various interesting transitions in restructuring networks we employ a statistical mechanical approach with detailed balance satisfied for the transitions between topological states. This enables us to establish an equivalence between the equilibrium rewiring problem we consider and the dynamics of a lattice gas on the edge-dual graph of a fully connected network. By assigning energies to the different network topologies and definin...

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