March 15, 2019
Similar papers 2
November 16, 2002
There exist local infinitesimal redefinitions of the fermionic fields, which may be used to modify the strength of the coupling for the interaction term in massless QED3. Under those (formally unitary) transformations, the functional integration measure changes by an anomalous Jacobian, which (after regularization) yields a term with the same structure as the quadratic parity-conserving term in the effective action. Besides, the Dirac operator is affected by the introduction ...
September 28, 2017
We demonstrate that, apart from the chiral anomaly, Dirac semimetals possess another quantum anomaly, which we call the mirror anomaly, and which manifests in a singular response of the Dirac semimetal to an applied magnetic field. Namely, the anomalous Hall conductivity exhibits step-function singularities when the field is rotated. We show that this phenomenon is closely analogous to the parity anomaly of (2+1)-dimensional Dirac fermions, but with mirror symmetry, which we ...
July 4, 2008
Through an explicit calculation for a Lagrangian in quantum electrodynamics in (2+1)-space--time dimensions (QED$_3$), making use of the relativistic Kubo formula, we demonstrate that the filling factor accompanying the quantized electrical conductivity for massive Dirac fermions of a single species in two spatial dimensions is a half (in natural units) when time reversal and parity symmetries of the Lagrangian are explicitly broken by the fermion mass term. We then discuss t...
April 13, 2016
Motivated by the issue of particle-hole symmetry for the composite fermion Fermi sea at the half filled Landau level, Dam T. Son has made an intriguing proposal [Phys. Rev. X {\bf 5}, 031027 (2015)] that composite fermions are Dirac particles. We ask what features of the Dirac-composite fermion theory and its various consequences may be reconciled with the well established microscopic theory of the fractional quantum Hall effect and the 1/2 state, which is based on {\em non-r...
August 9, 2023
The pursuit of understanding parity anomaly in condensed matter systems has led to significant advancements in both theoretical and experimental research in recent years. In this study, we explore the parity anomaly of massless Dirac fermions in a semimagnetic topological insulator (TI) thin film subjected to a finite magnetic field. Our findings reveal an anomalous half-quantized Hall conductance arising from the occupied electronic states far below the Fermi level, which is...
March 7, 2024
We study the Dirac Hamiltonian in dimension two with a mass term and a large momentum regularization, and show that bulk-edge correspondence fails. Despite a well defined bulk topological index --the Chern number--, the number of edge modes depends on the boundary condition. The origin of this anomaly is rooted in the unbounded nature of the spectrum. It is detected with Levinson's theorem from scattering theory and quantified via an anomalous winding number at infinite energ...
June 23, 2021
The chiral anomaly underlies a broad number of phenomena, from enhanced electronic transport in topological metals to anomalous currents in the quark-gluon plasma. The discovery of topological states of matter in non-Hermitian systems -- effective descriptions of dissipative systems -- raises the question of whether there are anomalous conservation laws that remain unaccounted for. To answer this question, we consider both $1+1$ and $3+1$ dimensions, presenting a unified form...
March 26, 2013
Dirac fermions have a central role in high energy physics but it is well known that they emerge also as quasiparticles in several condensed matter systems supporting topological order. We present a general method for deriving the topological effective actions of (3+1) massless Dirac fermions living on general backgrounds and coupled with vector and axial-vector gauge fields. The first step of our strategy is standard (in the Hermitian case) and consists in connecting the dete...
July 23, 2020
The low-energy physics of two-dimensional Quantum Anomalous Hall insulators like (Hg,Mn)Te quantum wells or magnetically doped (Bi,Sb)Te thin films can be effectively described by two Chern insulators, including a Dirac, as well as a momentum-dependent mass term. Each of those Chern insulators is directly related to the parity anomaly of planar quantum electrodynamics. In this work, we analyze the finite temperature Hall conductivity of a single Chern insulator in 2+1 space-t...
July 25, 2014
We study the response of a class of topological systems to electromagnetic and gravitational sources, including torsion and curvature. By using the technology of anomaly polynomials, we derive the parity-odd response of a massive Dirac fermion in $d=2+1$ and $d=4+1$, which provides a simple model for a topological insulator. We discuss the covariant anomalies of the corresponding edge states, from a Callan-Harvey anomaly-inflow, as well as a Hamiltonian spectral flow point of...