ID: 1906.07199

Notes on 8 Majorana Fermions

June 17, 2019

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David Tong, Carl Turner
High Energy Physics - Theory
Condensed Matter
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Eight Majorana fermions in $d=1+1$ dimensions enjoy a triality that permutes the representation of the $SO(8)$ global symmetry in which the fermions transform. This triality plays an important role in the quantization of the superstring, and in the analysis of interacting topological insulators and the associated phenomenon of symmetric mass generation. The purpose of these notes is to provide an introduction to the triality and its applications, with careful attention paid to various ${\bf Z}_2$ global and gauge symmetries and their coupling to background spin structures.

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Free-Fermionic $SO(8)$ And tri$(\mathbb{O})$

June 16, 2017

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Johar M. Ashfaque
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this note, we speculate about the fundamental role being played by the $SO(8)$ group representations displaying the triality structure that necessarily arise in models constructed under the free fermionic methodology as being remnants of the higher-dimensional triality algebra tri$(\mathbb{O}) = \mathfrak{so}(8)$.

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Fermion masses without symmetry breaking in two spacetime dimensions

November 29, 2014

86% Match
Yoni BenTov
Strongly Correlated Electron...

I study the prospect of generating mass for symmetry-protected fermions without breaking the symmetry that forbids quadratic mass terms in the Lagrangian. I focus on 1+1 spacetime dimensions in the hope that this can provide guidance for interacting fermions in 3+1 dimensions. I first review the SO(8) Gross-Neveu model and emphasize a subtlety in the triality transformation. Then I focus on the "m = 0" manifold of the SO(7) Kitaev-Fidkowski model. I argue that this theory exh...

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The Signature Triality of Majorana-Weyl Spacetimes

May 3, 2000

85% Match
Andrade M. A. 1 and 2 De, M. Rojas, F. Toppan
High Energy Physics - Theory

Higher dimensional Majorana-Weyl spacetimes present space-time dualities which are induced by the Spin(8) triality automorphisms. Different signature versions of theories such as 10-dimensional SYM's, superstrings, five-branes, F-theory, are shown to be interconnected via the S_3 permutation group. Bilinear and trilinear invariants under space-time triality are introduced and their possible relevance in building models possessing a space-versus-time exchange symmetry is discu...

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Gauge Anomaly associated with the Majorana Fermion in $8k+1$ dimensions

January 5, 2006

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Masashi Hayakawa, Hiroshi Suzuki
High Energy Physics - Theory
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

Using an elementary method, we show that an odd number of Majorana fermions in $8k+1$ dimensions suffer from a gauge anomaly that is analogous to the Witten global gauge anomaly. This anomaly cannot be removed without sacrificing the perturbative gauge invariance. Our construction of higher-dimensional examples ($k geq1$) makes use of the SO(8) instanton on $S^8$.

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Triality of Majorana-Weyl Spacetimes With Different Signatures

July 17, 1999

84% Match
Andrade M. A. CBPF-RJ-Brazil De, M. CBPF-RJ-Brazil Rojas, F. CBPF-RJ-Brazil Toppan
High Energy Physics - Theory

Majorana-Weyl spacetimes offer a rich algebraic setup and new types of space-time dualities besides those discussed by Hull. The triality automorphisms of Spin(8) act non-trivially on Majorana-Weyl representations and Majorana-Weyl spacetimes with different signatures. In particular relations exist among the (1+9)-(5+5)-(9+1) spacetimes, as well as their transverse coordinates spacetimes (0+8)-(4+4)-(8+0). Larger dimensional spacetimes such as (2+10)-(6+6)-(10+2) also show du...

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What Symmetries are Preserved by a Fermion Boundary State?

June 12, 2020

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Philip Boyle Smith, David Tong
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Usually, a left-moving fermion in d=1+1 dimensions reflects off a boundary to become a right-moving fermion. This means that, while overall fermion parity $(-1)^F$ is conserved, chiral fermion parity for left- and right-movers individually is not. Remarkably, there are boundary conditions that do preserve chiral fermion parity, but only when the number of Majorana fermions is a multiple of 8. In this paper we classify all such boundary states for $2N$ Majorana fermions when a...

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Duality and bosonization of (2+1)d Majorana fermions

November 15, 2016

84% Match
Max A. Metlitski, Ashvin Vishwanath, Cenke Xu
Strongly Correlated Electron...

We construct a dual bosonized description of a massless Majorana fermion in $(2+1)d$. In contrast to Dirac fermions, for which a bosonized description can be constructed using a flux attachment procedure, neutral Majorana fermions call for a different approach. We argue that the dual theory is an $SO(N)_1$ Chern-Simons gauge theory with a critical $SO(N)$ vector bosonic matter field ($N \geq 3$). The monopole of the $SO(N)$ gauge field is identified with the Majorana fermion....

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Majorana and Majorana-Weyl fermions in lattice gauge theory

June 16, 2004

83% Match
Teruaki Ibaraki University Inagaki, Hiroshi Ibaraki University Suzuki
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Theory

In various dimensional Euclidean lattice gauge theories, we examine a compatibility of the Majorana decomposition and the charge conjugation property of lattice Dirac operators. In $8n$ and $1+8n$ dimensions, we find a difficulty to decompose a classical lattice action of the Dirac fermion into a system of the Majorana fermion and thus to obtain a factorized form of the Dirac determinant. Similarly, in $2+8n$ dimensions, there is a difficulty to decompose a classical lattice ...

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Majorana Fermions in Particle Physics, Solid State and Quantum Information

December 5, 2016

83% Match
L. Borsten, M. J. Duff
Other Condensed Matter

This review is based on lectures given by M. J. Duff summarising the far reaching contributions of Ettore Majorana to fundamental physics, with special focus on Majorana fermions in all their guises. The theoretical discovery of the eponymous fermion in 1937 has since had profound implications for particle physics, solid state and quantum computation. The breadth of these disciplines is testimony to Majorana's genius, which continues to permeate physics today. These lectures ...

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Triality of Majorana-Weyl Spacetimes with Different Signatures

May 3, 2000

83% Match
Francesco CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Toppan
High Energy Physics - Theory

Higher dimensional Majorana-Weyl spacetimes present space-time dualities which are induced by the Spin(8) triality automorphisms. This corresponds to a very fundamental property of the supersymmetry in higher dimensions, i.e. that any given theory can be formulated in different signatures all interconnected by the S_3 permutation group.

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