ID: 1906.09440

Description of unitary representations of the group of infinite $p$-adic integer matrices

June 22, 2019

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Yury A. Neretin
Representation Theory
Category Theory
Group Theory
Rings and Algebras

We classify irreducible unitary representations of the group of all infinite matrices over a $p$-adic field ($p\ne 2$) with integer elements equipped with a natural topology. Any irreducible representation passes through a group $GL$ of infinite matrices over a residue ring modulo $p^k$. Irreducible representations of the latter group are induced from finite-dimensional representations of certain open subgroups.

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Representations of the Infinite-Dimensional $p$-Adic Affine Group

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Anatoly N. Kochubei, Yuri Kondratiev
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We introduce an infinite-dimensional $p$-adic affine group and construct its irreducible unitary representation. Our approach follows the one used by Vershik, Gelfand and Graev for the diffeomorphism group, but with modifications made necessary by the fact that the group does not act on the phase space. However it is possible to define its action on some classes of functions.

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An introduction to the theory of p-adic representations

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Laurent Berger
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On unitarity of some representatations of classical p-adic groups I

January 26, 2017

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Marko Tadic
Representation Theory

In the case of p-adic general linear groups, each irreducible representation is parabolically induced by a tensor product of irreducible representations supported by cuspidal lines. One gets in this way a parameterization of the irreducible representations of p-adic general linear groups by irreducible representations supported by cuspidal lines. It is obvious that in this correspondence an irreducible representation of a p-adic general linear group is unitarizable if and onl...

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Four Drafts of The Representation Theory of the Group of Infinite Matrices over Finite Fields

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Finite traces and representations of the group of infinite matrices over a finite field

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An external approach to unitary representations

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86% Match
Marko Tadic
Representation Theory

The main aim of this paper is to present the ideas which lead first to the solution of the unitarizability problem for $\GL(n)$ over nonarchimedean local fields and to the recognition that the same result holds over archimedean local fields, a result which was proved by Vogan using an internal approach. Let us say that the approach that we are going to present may be characterized as external. At no point do we go into the internal structure of representations.

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Representations of $p$-adic groups over coefficient rings

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Marie-France Vignéras
Representation Theory
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Motivated by the Langlands program in representation theory, number theory and geometry, the theory of representations of a reductive $p$-adic group over a coefficient ring different from the field of complex numbers has been widely developped during the last two decades. This article provides a survey of basic results obtained in the 21st century.

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Induced representations of infinite-dimensional groups

June 30, 2012

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Alexandre Kosyak
Representation Theory
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