ID: 1910.02455

Divisor Functions and the Number of Sum Systems

October 6, 2019

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Factorization Theorems for Relatively Prime Divisor Sums, GCD Sums and Generalized Ramanujan Sums

October 19, 2018

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Hamed Mousavi, Maxie D. Schmidt
Number Theory

We generalize recent matrix-based factorization theorems for Lambert series generating functions generating the coefficients $(f \ast 1)(n)$ for some arithmetic function $f$. Our new factorization theorems provide analogs to these established expansions generating sums of the form $\sum_{d: (d,n)=1} f(d)$ (type I) and the Anderson-Apostol sums $\sum_{d|(m,n)} f(d) g(n/d)$ (type II) for any arithmetic functions $f$ and $g$. Our treatment of the type II sums includes a matrix-b...

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Relatively Prime Sets, Divisor Sums, and Partial Sums

June 20, 2013

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Prapanpong Pongsriiam
Number Theory

For a nonempty finite set $A$ of positive integers, let $\gcd\left(A\right)$ denote the greatest common divisor of the elements of $A$. Let $f\left(n\right)$ and $\Phi\left(n\right)$ denote, respectively, the number of subsets $A$ of $\left\{1, 2, \ldots, n\right\}$ such that $\gcd\left(A\right) = 1$ and the number of subsets $A$ of $\left\{1, 2, \ldots, n\right\}$ such that $\gcd\left(A\cup\left\{n\right\}\right) =1$. Let $D\left(n\right)$ be the divisor sum of $f\left(n\rig...

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Convolution sums of some functions on divisors

July 16, 2015

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Heekyoung Hahn
Number Theory

One of the main goals in this paper is to establish convolution sums of functions for the divisor sums $\widetilde{\sigma}_s(n)=\sum_{d|n}(-1)^{d-1}d^s$ and $\widehat{\sigma}_s(n)=\sum_{d|n}(-1)^{\frac{n}{d}-1}d^s$, for certain $s$, which were first defined by Glaisher. We first introduce three functions $\mathcal{P}(q)$, $\mathcal{E}(q)$, and $\mathcal{Q}(q)$ related to $\widetilde{\sigma}(n)$, $\widehat{\sigma}(n)$, and $\widetilde{\sigma}_3(n)$, respectively, and then we e...

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Inverse Problems for Representation Functions in Additive Number Theory

December 3, 2007

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Melvyn B. Nathanson
Number Theory

For every positive integer h, the representation function of order h associated to a subset A of the integers or, more generally, of any group or semigroup X, counts the number of ways an element of X can be written as the sum (or product, if X is nonabelian) of h not necessarily distinct elements of X. The direct problem for representation functions in additive number theory begins with a subset A of X and seeks to understand its representation functions. The inverse problem...

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Rapidly Convergent Series of the Divisors Functions

July 28, 2014

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N. A. Carella
General Mathematics

This note gives a few rapidly convergent series representations of the sums of divisors functions. These series have various applications such as exact evaluations of some power series, computing estimates and proving the existence results of some special values of the sums of divisors functions.

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Some results on ordered and unordered factorization of a positive integers

December 1, 2014

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Daniel Yaqubi, Madjid Mirzavaziri

As a well-known enumerative problem, the number of solutions of the equation $m=m_1+...+m_k$ with $m_1\leqslant...\leqslant m_k$ in positive integers is $\Pi(m,k)=\sum_{i=0}^k\Pi(m-k,i)$ and $\Pi$ is called the additive partition function. In this paper, we give a recursive formula for the so-called multiplicative partition function $\mu_1(m,k):=$ the number of solutions of the equation $m=m_1... m_k$ with $m_1\leqslant...\leqslant m_k$ in positive integers. In particular, us...

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Remarks on generalized Ramanujan sums and even functions

October 11, 2006

82% Match
László Tóth
Number Theory

We prove a simple formula for the main value of $r$-even functions and give applications of it. Considering the generalized Ramanujan sums $c_A(n,r)$ involving regular systems $A$ of divisors we show that it is not possible to develop a Fourier theory with respect to $c_A(n,r)$, like in the the usual case of classical Ramanujan sums $c(n,r)$.

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Extensions of MacMahon's sums of divisors

September 6, 2023

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Tewodros Amdeberhan, George E. Andrews, Roberto Tauraso
Number Theory

In 1920, P. A. MacMahon generalized the (classical) notion of divisor sums by relating it to the theory of partitions of integers. In this paper, we extend the idea of MacMahon. In doing so we reveal a wealth of divisibility theorems and unexpected combinatorial identities. Our initial approach is quite different from MacMahon and involves rational function approximation to MacMahon-type generating functions. One such example involves multiple $q$-harmonic sums $$\sum_{k=1}^n...

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Signs behaviour of sums of weighted numbers of partitions

February 10, 2022

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Filip Gawron, Maciej Ulas
Number Theory

Let $A$ be a subset of positive integers. By $A$-partition of $n$ we understand the representation of $n$ as a sum of elements from the set $A$. For given $i, n\in\N$, by $c_{A}(i,n)$ we denote the number of $A$-partitions of $n$ with exactly $i$ parts. In the paper we obtain several result concerning sign behaviour of the sequence $S_{A,k}(n)=\sum_{i=0}^{n}(-1)^{i}i^{k}c_{A}(i,n)$, where $k\in\N$ is fixed. In particular, we prove that for a broad class $\cal{A}$ of subsets o...

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On sums of arithmetic functions involving the greatest common divisor

February 7, 2021

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Isao Kiuchi, Sumaia Saad Eddin
Number Theory

Let $\gcd(d_{1},\ldots,d_{k})$ be the greatest common divisor of the positive integers $d_{1},\ldots,d_{k}$, for any integer $k\geq 2$, and let $\tau$ and $\mu$ denote the divisor function and the M\"{o}bius function, respectively. For an arbitrary arithmetic function $g$ and for any real number $x>5$ and any integer $k\geq 3$, we define the sum $$ S_{g,k}(x) :=\sum_{n\leq x}\sum_{d_{1}\cdots d_{k}=n} g(\gcd(d_{1},\ldots,d_{k})) $$ In this paper, we give asymptotic formulas f...

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