ID: 1910.14668

Beyond Standard Models and Grand Unifications: Anomalies, Topological Terms, and Dynamical Constraints via Cobordisms

October 31, 2019

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Gauge Enhanced Quantum Criticality Beyond the Standard Model

June 30, 2021

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Juven Wang, Yi-Zhuang You
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Standard lore views our 4d quantum vacuum governed by one of the candidate Standard Models (SMs), while lifting towards some Grand Unification-like structure (GUT) at higher energy scales. In contrast, in our work, we introduce an alternative view that the SM arises from various neighbor vacua competition in a quantum phase diagram. In general, we regard the SM arising near the gapless quantum criticality (either critical points or critical regions) between the competing neig...

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The algebra of anomaly interplay

November 19, 2020

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Joe Davighi, Nakarin Lohitsiri
High Energy Physics - Theory
High Energy Physics - Phenom...

We give a general description of the interplay that can occur between local and global anomalies, in terms of (co)bordism. Mathematically, such an interplay is encoded in the non-canonical splitting of short exact sequences known to classify invertible field theories. We study various examples of the phenomenon in 2, 4, and 6 dimensions. We also describe how this understanding of anomaly interplay provides a rigorous bordism-based version of an old method for calculating glob...

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Proton Stability: From the Standard Model to Beyond Grand Unification

April 18, 2022

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Juven Wang, Zheyan Wan, Yi-Zhuang You
Strongly Correlated Electron...

A proton is known for its longevity, but what is its lifetime? While many Grand Unified Theories predict the proton decay with a finite lifetime, we show that the Standard Model (SM) and some versions of Ultra Unification (which replace sterile neutrinos with new exotic gapped/gapless sectors, e.g., topological or conformal field theory under global anomaly cancellation constraints) with a discrete baryon plus lepton symmetry permit a stable proton. For the 4d SM with $N_f$ f...

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New Higher Anomalies, SU(N) Yang-Mills Gauge Theory and $\mathbb{CP}^{\mathrm{N}-1}$ Sigma Model

December 31, 2018

85% Match
Zheyan Wan, Juven Wang, Yunqin Zheng
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Algebraic Topology

We hypothesize a new and more complete set of anomalies of certain quantum field theories (QFTs) and then give an eclectic verification. First, we propose a set of 't Hooft higher anomalies of 4d time-reversal symmetric pure SU(N)-Yang-Mills (YM) gauge theory with a second-Chern-class topological term at $\theta=\pi$, via 5d cobordism invariants (higher symmetry-protected topological states), with N = $2, 3, 4$ and others. Second, we propose a set of 't Hooft anomalies of 2d ...

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Extended Functorial Field Theories and Anomalies in Quantum Field Theories

March 18, 2020

85% Match
Lukas Müller
Differential Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Algebra

We develop a general framework for the description of anomalies using extended functorial field theories extending previous work by Freed and Monnier. In this framework, anomalies are described by invertible field theories in one dimension higher and anomalous field theories live on their boundaries. We provide precise mathematical definitions for all concepts involved using the language of symmetric monoidal bicategories. In particular, field theories with anomalies will be ...

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Global Anomalies on the Hilbert Space

January 6, 2021

85% Match
Diego Delmastro, Davide Gaiotto, Jaume Gomis
Strongly Correlated Electron...

We show that certain global anomalies can be detected in an elementary fashion by analyzing the way the symmetry algebra is realized on the torus Hilbert space of the anomalous theory. Distinct anomalous behaviours imprinted in the Hilbert space are identified with the distinct cohomology "layers" that appear in the classification of anomalies in terms of cobordism groups. We illustrate the manifestation of the layers in the Hilbert for a variety of anomalous symmetries and s...

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A Modern Point of View on Anomalies

March 7, 2019

85% Match
Samuel Monnier
High Energy Physics - Theory

We review the concept of anomaly field theory, namely the fact that the anomalies of a $d$-dimensional field theory can be encoded in a $d+1$-dimensional field theory functor. We give numerous examples of anomaly field theories, explain how classical facts about anomalies are recovered from the anomaly field theory, and review recent work on global anomaly cancellation in 6d supergravity where this concept was instrumental. We also sketch the status of global anomaly cancella...

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Anomalies in the Space of Coupling Constants and Their Dynamical Applications I

May 22, 2019

85% Match
Clay Cordova, Daniel S. Freed, ... , Seiberg Nathan
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Algebraic Topology
Mathematical Physics

It is customary to couple a quantum system to external classical fields. One application is to couple the global symmetries of the system (including the Poincar\'{e} symmetry) to background gauge fields (and a metric for the Poincar\'{e} symmetry). Failure of gauge invariance of the partition function under gauge transformations of these fields reflects 't Hooft anomalies. It is also common to view the ordinary (scalar) coupling constants as background fields, i.e. to study t...

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Some comments on 6d global gauge anomalies

December 21, 2020

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Yasunori Lee, Yuji Tachikawa
High Energy Physics - Theory

Global gauge anomalies in $6d$ associated with non-trivial homotopy groups $\pi_6(G)$ for $G=SU(2)$, $SU(3)$, and $G_2$ were computed and utilized in the past. In the modern bordism point of view of anomalies, however, they come from the bordism groups $\Omega^\text{spin}_7(BG)$, which are in fact trivial and therefore preclude their existence. Instead, it was noticed that a proper treatment of the $6d$ Green-Schwarz mechanism reproduces the same anomaly cancellation conditio...

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Gauge Enhanced Quantum Criticality Between Grand Unifications: Categorical Higher Symmetry Retraction

November 19, 2021

85% Match
Juven Wang, Yi-Zhuang You
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Mathematical Physics

Prior work [arXiv:2106.16248] shows that the Standard Model (SM) naturally arises near a gapless quantum critical region between Georgi-Glashow (GG) $su(5)$ and Pati-Salam (PS) $su(4) \times su(2) \times su(2)$ models of quantum vacua (in a phase diagram or moduli space), by implementing a modified $so(10)$ Grand Unification (GUT) with a Spin(10) gauge group plus a new discrete Wess-Zumino Witten term matching a 4d nonperturbative global mixed gauge-gravity $w_2 w_3$ anomaly....

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