ID: 2001.03263

Carbon Dioxide, Bicarbonate and Carbonate Ions in Aqueous Solutions at Deep Earth Conditions

January 10, 2020

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Riccardo Dettori, Davide Donadio
Condensed Matter
Chemical Physics
Soft Condensed Matter

We investigate the effect of pressure, temperature and acidity on the composition of water-rich carbon-bearing fluids at thermodynamic conditions that correspond to the Earth's deep Crust and Upper Mantle. Our first-principles molecular dynamics simulations provide mechanistic insight into the hydration shell of carbon dioxide, bicarbonate and carbonate ions, and on the pathways of the acid/base reactions that convert these carbon species into one another in aqueous solutions. At temperature of 1000 K and higher our simulations can sample the chemical equilibrium of these acid/base reactions, thus allowing us to estimate the chemical composition of diluted carbon dioxide and (bi)carbonate ions as a function of acidity and thermodynamic conditions. We find that, especially at the highest temperature, the acidity of the solution is essential to determine the stability domain of carbon dioxide, bicarbonate and carbonate ions.

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