ID: 2005.08870

Topology design of two-fluid heat exchange

May 5, 2020

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Hiroki Kobayashi, Kentaro Yaji, Shintaro Yamasaki, Kikuo Fujita
Computer Science
Computational Engineering, F...

Heat exchangers are devices that typically transfer heat between two fluids. The performance of a heat exchanger such as heat transfer rate and pressure loss strongly depends on the flow regime in the heat transfer system. In this paper, we present a density-based topology optimization method for a two-fluid heat exchange system, which achieves a maximum heat transfer rate under fixed pressure loss. We propose a representation model accounting for three states, i.e., two fluids and a solid wall between the two fluids, by using a single design variable field. The key aspect of the proposed model is that mixing of the two fluids can be essentially prevented without any penalty scheme. This is because the solid constantly exists between the two fluids due to the use of the single design variable field. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach through three-dimensional numerical examples in which an optimized design is compared with a simple reference design, and the effects of design conditions (i.e., Reynolds number, Prandtl number, design domain size, and flow arrangements) are investigated.

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Topology Optimization of Two Fluid Heat Exchangers

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A method for density-based topology optimization of heat exchangers with two fluids is proposed. The goal of the optimization process is to maximize the heat transfer from one fluid to the other, under maximum pressure drop constraints for each of the fluid flows. A single design variable is used to describe the physical fields. The solid interface and the fluid domains are generated using an erosion-dilation based identification technique, which guarantees well-separated flu...

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Three-dimensional topology optimization of heat exchangers with the level-set method

November 18, 2021

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Troya Miguel A. Salazar de, Daniel A. Tortorelli, ... , Beck Victor A.
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We design heat exchangers using level-set method based topology optimization. The heat exchange between two fluids in separate channels is maximized while constraining the pressure drop across each channel. The flow is modeled by an incompressible Navier-Stokes-Brinkmann equation and the heat transfer is modeled by a convection-diffusion equation with high Peclet number. Each fluid region is subject to its own set of Navier-Stokes-Brinkmann equations where the Brinkmann term ...

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A "poor man's" approach for high-resolution three-dimensional topology optimization of natural convection problems

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Nicolo Pollini, Ole Sigmund, ... , Alexandersen Joe
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This paper treats topology optimization of natural convection problems. A simplified model is suggested to describe the flow of an incompressible fluid in steady state conditions, similar to Darcy's law for fluid flow in porous media. The equations for the fluid flow are coupled to the thermal convection-diffusion equation through the Boussinesq approximation. The coupled non-linear system of equations is discretized with stabilized finite elements and solved in a parallel fr...

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Thermofluid topology optimization for cooling channel design

February 9, 2023

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Farshad Navah, Marc-Etienne Lamarche-Gagnon, Florin Ilinca
Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical Physics

A framework for topology optimization of cooling channels is proposed, which paves the way towards automated design of additively-manufactured cooling channels, required in applications such as the efficient heat management of die casting molds. Combining a selection of pertinent techniques and methods, the proposed density-based approach is strengthened by systematic verification and validation steps, including the body-fitted meshing of an optimized design. Furthermore, thi...

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Large scale three-dimensional topology optimisation of heat sinks cooled by natural convection

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Joe Alexandersen, Ole Sigmund, Niels Aage
Fluid Dynamics
Computational Engineering, F...

This work presents the application of density-based topology optimisation to the design of three-dimensional heat sinks cooled by natural convection. The governing equations are the steady-state incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled to the thermal convection-diffusion equation through the Bousinessq approximation. The fully coupled non-linear multiphysics system is solved using stabilised trilinear equal-order finite elements in a parallel framework allowing for the ...

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A detailed introduction to density-based topology optimisation of fluid flow problems with implementation in MATLAB

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Topology optimization of heat sinks for instantaneous chip cooling using a transient pseudo-3D thermofluid model

November 29, 2019

86% Match
Tao Zeng, Hu Wang, ... , Alexandersen Joe
Fluid Dynamics
Computational Engineering, F...

With the increasing power density of electronics components, the heat dissipation capacity of heat sinks gradually becomes a bottleneck. Many structural optimization methods, including topology optimization, have been widely used for heat sinks. Due to its high design freedom, topology optimization is suggested for the design of heat sinks using a transient pseudo-3D thermofluid model to acquire better instantaneous thermal performance. The pseudo-3D model is designed to redu...

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Topology optimisation for natural convection problems

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Joe Alexandersen, Niels Aage, ... , Sigmund Ole
Fluid Dynamics

This paper demonstrates the application of the density-based topology optimisation approach for the design of heat sinks and micropumps based on natural convection effects. The problems are modelled under the assumptions of steady-state laminar flow using the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled to the convection-diffusion equation through the Boussinesq approximation. In order to facilitate topology optimisation, the Brinkman approach is taken to penalise velocitie...

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An efficient topology optimization based on multigrid assisted reanalysis for heat transfer problem

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