ID: 2005.10155

Local invariants of minimal generic curves on rational surfaces

May 20, 2020

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José Ignacio Cogolludo-Agustín, Tamás László, Jorge Martín-Morales, András Némethi
Algebraic Geometry
Geometric Topology

Let (C,0) be a reduced curve germ in a normal surface singularity (X,0). The main goal is to recover the delta invariant of the abstract curve (C,0) from the topology of the embedding. We give explicit formulae whenever (C,0) is minimal generic and (X,0) is rational (as a continuation of previous works of the authors). Additionally we prove that if (X,0) is a quotient singularity, then the delta invariant of (C,0) only admits the values r-1 or r, where r is the number or irreducible components of (C,0). (r-1 realizes the extremal lower bound, valid only for `ordinary r-tuples'.)

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Delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces I. The analytic approach

November 18, 2019

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We prove that if (C,0) is a reduced curve germ on a rational surface singularity (X,0) then its delta invariant can be recovered by a concrete expression associated with the embedded topological type of the pair (X,C). Furthermore, we also identify it with another (a priori) embedded analytic invariant, which is motivated by the theory of adjoint ideals. Finally, we connect our formulae with the local correction term at singular points of the global Riemann--Roch formula, val...

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The delta invariant of curves on rational surfaces II: Poincar\'e series and topological aspects

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The Delta Invariant and Simultaneous Normalization for Families of Isolated Non-Normal Singularities

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Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Pfister
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On local delta invariant of del Pezzo surfaces

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Fine polar invariants of minimal singularities of surface

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$\delta$-invariant of Du Val del Pezzo surfaces of degree $\ge 4$

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