August 14, 2020
Similar papers 2
July 21, 2006
An analysis of generating fermion masses via cubic couplings in SO(10) grand unification with a unified Higgs sector is given. The new framework utilizes a single pair of vector--spinor representation $144+\bar{144}$ to break the gauge symmetry all the way to $SU(3)_C \times U(1)_{em}$. Typically the matter--Higgs couplings in this framework are quartic and lead to naturally suppressed Yukawa couplings for the first two generations. Here we show that much larger third generat...
January 19, 2010
I present an argument, based on the topology of the universe, why there are three generations of fermions. The argument implies a preferred gauge group of SU(5), but with SO(10) representations of the fermions. The breaking pattern SU(5) to SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) is preferred over the pattern SU(5) to SU(4)xU(1). On the basis of the argument one expects an asymmetry in the early universe microwave data, which might have been detected already.
July 14, 2011
We show that matter yukawa couplings of the New Minimal Supersymmetric (SO(10)) GUT(NMSGUT) are subject to very significant GUT scale threshold corrections. Including these threshold effects relaxes the constraint $ y_b-y_\tau\simeq y_s-y_\mu$ operative in $\textbf{10} -\textbf{120} $plet generated tree level MSSM matter fermion yukawas $y_f$. We find accurate fits of the MSSM fermion mass-mixing data in terms of NMSGUT superpotential couplings and 5 independent soft Susy bre...
November 27, 2018
The observed low-energy values of the $SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)$ gauge couplings, extrapolated via the minimal Standard Model Renormalization Group evolution, hint at the exciting possibility of a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) at $M_U \sim 10^{14}$ GeV --- a scale, however, too high to probe directly via collider searches. Fortunately, since the Hubble scale H can be as high as $5 \times 10^{13}$ GeV $\sim M_U$ during the inflationary era, such GUT scale states can be cosmol...
August 5, 1993
Supersymmetry (SUSY) has many well known attractions, especially in the context of Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). SUSY stabilizes scalar mass corrections (the hierarchy problem), greatly reduces the number of free parameters, facilitates gauge coupling unification, and provides a plausible candidate for cosmological dark matter. In this conference report we survey some recent examples of progress in SUSY-GUT applications.
July 28, 2018
We discuss family unification in grand unified theory (GUT) based on an $SU(19)$ GUT gauge group broken to its subgroups including a special subgroup. In the $SU(19)$ GUT on the six-dimensional (6D) orbifold space $M^4\times T^2/\mathbb{Z}_2$, three generations of the 4D SM Weyl fermions can be embedded into a 6D bulk Weyl fermions in an $SU(19)$ second-rank anti-symmetric tensor representation. 6D and 4D gauge anomalies can be canceled out by considering proper matter conten...
October 24, 2019
We analyse global anomalies and related constraints in the Standard Model (SM) and various Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) theories. We begin by considering four distinct, but equally valid, versions of the SM, in which the gauge group is taken to be $G=G_{\text{SM}}/\Gamma_n$, with $G_{\text{SM}}=SU(3)\times SU(2) \times U(1)$ and $\Gamma_n$ isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}/n$ where $n\in\left\{1,2,3,6\right\}$. In addition to deriving constraints on the hypercharges of fields tran...
October 21, 1998
The fundamental chiral nature of the observed quarks and leptons and the emergence of the gauge group itself are most puzzling aspects of the standard model. Starting from general considerations of topological properties of gauge field configurations in higher space-time dimensions, it is shown that the existence of non-trivial structures in ten dimensions would determine a class of models corresponding to a grand unified GUT structure with complex fermion representations wit...
July 13, 2009
We argue that the existence of Dark Matter (DM) is a possible consequence of GUT symmetry breaking. In GUTs like SO(10), discrete Z_2 matter parity (-1)^{3(B-L)} survives despite of broken B-L, and group theory uniquely determines that the only possible Z_2-odd matter multiplets belong to representation 16. We construct the minimal non-SUSY SO(10) model containing one scalar 16 for DM and study its predictions below M_{G}. We find that EWSB occurs radiatively due to DM coupli...
February 20, 2002
We suggest simple models which produce the suitable fermion mass hierarchies and flavor mixing angles based on the supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theory in 6 dimensions compactified on a T^2/Z_2 orbifold. The gauge and Higgs fields propagate in 6 dimensions while ordinal chiral matter fields are localized in 4 dimensions. We introduce extra vector-like heavy fields in the extra dimensions. We show three models according to the configurations of vector-like fields in extr...