ID: 2010.03410

Small doubling in cyclic groups

October 7, 2020

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The popularity gap

October 18, 2022

84% Match
Vsevolod F. Lev, Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

Suppose that $A$ is a finite, nonempty subset of a cyclic group of either infinite or prime order. We show that if the difference set $A-A$ is ``not too large'', then there is a nonzero group element with at least as many as $(2+o(1))|A|^2/|A-A|$ representations as a difference of two elements of $A$; that is, the second largest number of representations is, essentially, twice the average. Here the coefficient $2$ is the best possible. We also prove continuous and multidime...

Small doubling in ordered nilpotent groups of class 2

May 23, 2016

84% Match
Gregory A. Freiman, Marcel Herzog, Patrizia Longobardi, ... , Stanchescu Yonutz V.
Number Theory

The aim of this paper is to present a complete description of the structure of finite subsets with small doubling property in ordered nilpotent groups of class 2.

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An elementary additive doubling inequality

July 22, 2011

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Misha Rudnev

We prove an elementary additive combinatorics inequality, which says that if $A$ is a subset of an Abelian group, which has, in some strong sense, large doubling, then the difference set A-A has a large subset, which has small doubling.

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Structure in sets with logarithmic doubling

February 8, 2010

83% Match
Tom Sanders
Classical Analysis and ODEs

Suppose that G is an abelian group, A is a finite subset of G with |A+A|< K|A| and eta in (0,1] is a parameter. Our main result is that there is a set L such that |A cap Span(L)| > K^{-O_eta(1)}|A| and |L| = O(K^eta log |A|). We include an application of this result to a generalisation of the Roth-Meshulam theorem due to Liu and Spencer.

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Small doubling in ordered groups: generators and structure

January 8, 2015

83% Match
Gregory A. Freiman, Marcel Herzog, Patrizia Longobardi, Mercede Maj, ... , Stanchescu Yonutz V.
Number Theory
Group Theory

We prove several new results on the structure of the subgroup generated by a small doubling subset of an ordered group, abelian or not. We obtain precise results generalizing Freiman's 3k-3 and 3k-2 theorems in the integers and several further generalizations.

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On additive doubling and energy

February 29, 2008

83% Match
Nets Hawk Katz, Paul Koester
Classical Analysis and ODEs

We show that if A is a set having small subtractive doubling in an abelian group, that is |A-A|< K|A|, then there is a polynomially large subset B of A-A so that the additive energy of B is large than (1/K)^{1 - \epsilon) where epsilon is a positive, universal exponent. (1/37 seems to suffice.)

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On a Theorem of Deshouillers and Freiman

September 23, 2013

83% Match
R. Balasubramanian, Prem Prakash Pandey

The study of `structure' on subsets of abelian groups, with small `doubling constant', has been well studied in the last fifty years, from the time Freiman initiated the subject. In \cite{DF} Deshouillers and Freiman establish a structure theorem for subsets of $\n$ with small doubling constant. In the current article we provide an alternate proof of one of the main theorem of \cite{DF}. Also our proof leads to slight improvement of the theorems in \cite{DF}.

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Refined bound for sum-free sets in groups of prime order

May 31, 2007

82% Match
Jean-Marc Deshouillers, Vsevolod F. Lev
Number Theory

Improving upon earlier results of Freiman and the present authors, we show that if $p$ is a sufficiently large prime and $A$ is a sum-free subset of the group of order $p$, such that $n:=|A|>0.318p$, then $A$ is contained in a dilation of the interval $[n,p-n]\pmod p$.

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A result on the number of cyclic subgroups of a finite group

March 13, 2020

82% Match
Marius Tărnăuceanu
Group Theory

Let $G$ be a finite group and $\alpha(G)=\frac{|C(G)|}{|G|}$\,, where $C(G)$ denotes the set of cyclic subgroups of $G$. In this short note, we prove that $\alpha(G)\leq\alpha(Z(G))$ and we describe the groups $G$ for which the equality occurs. This gives some sufficient conditions for a finite group to be $4$-abelian or abelian.

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The Freiman--Ruzsa Theorem over Finite Fields

December 22, 2012

82% Match
Chaim Even-Zohar, Shachar Lovett

Let G be a finite abelian group of torsion r and let A be a subset of G. The Freiman--Ruzsa theorem asserts that if |A+A| < K|A| then A is contained in a coset of a subgroup of G of size at most r^{K^4}K^2|A|. It was conjectured by Ruzsa that the subgroup size can be reduced to r^{CK}|A| for some absolute constant C >= 2. This conjecture was verified for r = 2 in a sequence of recent works, which have, in fact, yielded a tight bound. In this work, we establish the same conjec...

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