ID: 2101.01026

Anomalies and symmetric mass generation for Kaehler-Dirac fermions

January 4, 2021

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Axial gravity, massless fermions and trace anomalies

March 30, 2017

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L. Bonora, M. Cvitan, P. Dominis Prester, A. Duarte Pereira, ... , Stemberga T.
High Energy Physics - Theory

This article deals with two main topics. One is odd parity trace anomalies in Weyl fermion theories in a 4d curved background, the second is the introduction of axial gravity. The motivation for reconsidering the former is to clarify the theoretical background underlying the approach and complete the calculation of the anomaly. The reference is in particular to the difference between Weyl and massless Majorana fermions and to the possible contributions from tadpole and seagul...

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Kaehler manifolds and supersymmetry

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Holten J. W. van
High Energy Physics - Theory

Supersymmetric field theories of scalars and fermions in 4-D space-time can be cast in the formalism of Kaehler geometry. In these lectures I review Kaehler geometry and its application to the construction and analysis of supersymmetric models on Kaehler coset manifolds. It is shown that anomalies can be eliminated by the introduction of line-bundle representations of the coset symmetry groups. Such anomaly-free models can be gauged consistently and used to construct alternat...

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Chiral symmetry and Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem for staggered fermions

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Mendel Nguyen, Hersh Singh
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We consider the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer (APS) index theorem corresponding to the chiral symmetry of a continuum formulation of staggered fermions called K\"ahler-Dirac fermions, which have been recently investigated as an ingredient in lattice constructions of chiral gauge theories. We point out that there are two notions of chiral symmetry for K\"ahler-Dirac fermions, both having a mixed perturbative anomaly with gravity leading to index theorems on closed manifolds. By formula...

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Yang-Yang Li, Juven Wang, Yi-Zhuang You
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Charge conjugation (C), mirror reflection (R), and time reversal (T) symmetries, along with internal symmetries, are essential for massless Majorana and Dirac fermions. These symmetries are sufficient to rule out potential fermion bilinear mass terms, thereby establishing a gapless free fermion fixed point phase, pivotal for symmetric mass generation (SMG) transition. In this work, we systematically study the anomaly of C-R-T-internal symmetry in all spacetime dimensions by a...

Anomalous Fermion Mass Generation at Three Loops

July 3, 2012

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Apostolos Pilaftsis
High Energy Physics - Phenom...

We present a novel mechanism for generating gauge-invariant fermion masses through global anomalies at the three loop level. In a gauge theory, global anomalies are triggered by the possible existence of scalar or pseudoscalar states and heavy fermions, whose masses may not necessarily result from spontaneous symmetry breaking. The implications of this mass-generating mechanism for model building are discussed, including the possibility of creating low-scale fermion masses by...

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Symmetric Fermion Mass Generation as Deconfined Quantum Criticality

May 25, 2017

82% Match
Yi-Zhuang You, Yin-Chen He, ... , Vishwanath Ashvin
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Massless 2+1D Dirac fermions arise in a variety of systems from graphene to the surfaces of topological insulators, where generating a mass is typically associated with breaking a symmetry. However, with strong interactions, a symmetric gapped phase can arise for multiples of eight Dirac fermions. A continuous quantum phase transition from the massless Dirac phase to this massive phase, which we term Symmetric Mass Generation (SMG), is necessarily beyond the Landau paradigm a...

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Anomaly and Cobordism Constraints Beyond Grand Unification: Energy Hierarchy

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Juven Wang
Algebraic Topology

A recent work [2006.16996] suggests that a 4d nonperturbative global anomaly of mod 16 class hinting a possible new hidden gapped topological sector beyond the Standard Model (SM) and Georgi-Glashow $su(5)$ Grand Unified Theory (GUT) with 15n chiral Weyl fermions and a discrete $\mathbb{Z}_{4,X}$ symmetry of $X=5({\bf B- L})-4Y$. This $\mathbb{Z}_{16}$ class global anomaly is a mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly between the discrete $X$ and spacetime backgrounds. The new topol...

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Discrete gauge anomalies revisited

August 8, 2018

82% Match
Chang-Tse Hsieh
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Mathematical Physics

We revisit discrete gauge anomalies in chiral fermion theories in $3+1$ dimensions. We focus on the case that the full symmetry group of fermions is $\mathrm{Spin}(4)\times\mathbb{Z}_n$ or $(\mathrm{Spin}(4)\times\mathbb{Z}_{2m})/\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ with $\mathbb{Z}_2$ being the diagonal $\mathbb{Z}_2$ subgroup. The anomalies are determined by the consistency condition --- based on the Dai-Freed theorem --- of formulating a chiral fermion theory on a generic spacetime manifold wi...

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Topological Origin of Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD and in Gravity

May 17, 2017

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Gia Dvali
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...
High Energy Physics - Phenom...

We show that the assumption of non-zero topological susceptibility of the vacuum in a fermion-free version of a theory, such as gravity or QCD, suffices to conclude the following: Once N massless fermion flavors are added to the theory, they break the chiral flavor symmetry dynamically, down to a subgroup that would be anomaly-free under gauging; In both theories, the pseudo-Goldstone corresponding to axial U(1)-symmetry becomes massive; In QCD as well as in gravity the massl...

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Anomaly and Cobordism Constraints Beyond the Standard Model: Topological Force

June 30, 2020

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Juven Wang
Mathematical Physics

Standard lore uses local anomalies to check the kinematic consistency of gauge theories coupled to chiral fermions, e.g. Standard Models (SM). Based on a systematic cobordism classification, we examine constraints from invertible quantum anomalies (including all perturbative local and nonperturbative global anomalies) for gauge theories. We also clarify the different uses of these anomalies: including (1) anomaly cancellations of dynamical gauge fields, (2) 't Hooft anomaly m...

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