ID: 2102.07465

On parametric and generic polynomials with one parameter

February 15, 2021

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A geometric framework for the subfield problem of generic polynomials via Tschirnhausen transformation

October 1, 2007

83% Match
Akinari Hoshi, Katsuya Miyake
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry

Let $k$ be an arbitrary field. We study a general method to solve the subfield problem of generic polynomials for the symmetric groups over $k$ via Tschirnhausen transformation. Based on the general result in the former part, we give an explicit solution to the field isomorphism problem and the subfield problem of cubic generic polynomials for $\frak{S}_3$ and $C_3$ over $k$. As an application of the cubic case, we also give several sextic generic polynomials over $k$.

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Specialization results in Galois theory

June 30, 2011

83% Match
Pierre Dèbes, François Legrand
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry

The paper has three main applications. The first one is this Hilbert-Grunwald statement. If $f:X\rightarrow \Pp^1$ is a degree $n$ $\Qq$-cover with monodromy group $S_n$ over $\bar\Qq$, and finitely many suitably big primes $p$ are given with partitions $\{d_{p,1},..., d_{p,s_p}\}$ of $n$, there exist infinitely many specializations of $f$ at points $t_0\in \Qq$ that are degree $n$ field extensions with residue degrees $d_{p,1},..., d_{p,s_p}$ at each prescribed prime $p$. Th...

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Groups with no Parametric Galois Extension

May 30, 2016

83% Match
Pierre Dèbes
Number Theory

We disprove a strong form of the Regular Inverse Galois Problem: there exist finite groups $G$ which do not have a realization $F/\Qq(T)$ that induces all Galois extensions $L/\Qq(U)$ of group $G$ by specializing $T$ to $f(U) \in \Qq(U)$. For these groups, we produce two extensions $L/\Qq(U)$ that cannot be simultaneously induced, thus even disproving a weaker Lifting Property. Our examples of such groups $G$ include symmetric groups $S_n$, $n\geq 7$, infinitely many $PSL_2(\...

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On the field intersection problem of generic polynomials: a survey

October 2, 2008

83% Match
Akinari Hoshi, Katsuya Miyake
Number Theory
Rings and Algebras

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $\neq 2$. We survey a general method of the field intersection problem of generic polynomials via formal Tschirnhausen transformation. We announce some of our recent results of cubic, quartic and quintic cases the details of which are to appear elsewhere. In this note, we give an explicit answer to the problem in the cases of cubic and dihedral quintic by using multi-resolvent polynomials.

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On the local behaviour of specializations of function field extensions

September 10, 2017

83% Match
Joachim König, François Legrand, Danny Neftin
Number Theory

Given a field $k$ of characteristic zero and an indeterminate $T$ over $k$, we investigate the local behaviour at primes of $k$ of finite Galois extensions of $k$ arising as specializations of finite Galois extensions $E/k(T)$ (with $E/k$ regular) at points $t_0 \in \mathbb{P}^1(k)$. We provide a general result about decomposition groups at primes of $k$ in specializations, extending a fundamental result of Beckmann concerning inertia groups. We then apply our result to study...

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Galois groups over rational function fields and explicit Hilbert irreducibility

August 15, 2017

83% Match
David Krumm, Nicole Sutherland
Number Theory

Let $P\in\mathbb Q[t,x]$ be a polynomial in two variables with rational coefficients, and let $G$ be the Galois group of $P$ over the field $\mathbb Q(t)$. It follows from Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem that for most rational numbers $c$ the specialized polynomial $P(c,x)$ has Galois group isomorphic to $G$ and factors in the same way as $P$. In this paper we discuss methods for computing the group $G$ and obtaining an explicit description of the exceptional numbers $c$, i....

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A Birational Anabelian Reconstruction Theorem for Curves over Algebraically Closed Fields in Arbitrary Characteristic

June 6, 2017

82% Match
Martin Lüdtke
Algebraic Geometry

The aim of Bogomolov's programme is to prove birational anabelian conjectures for function fields $K|k$ of varieties of dimension $\geq 2$ over algebraically closed fields. The present article is concerned with the 1-dimensional case. While it is impossible to recover $K|k$ from its absolute Galois group alone, we prove that it can be recovered from the pair $(\mathrm{Aut}(\overline{K}|k),\mathrm{Aut}(\overline{K}|K))$, consisting of the absolute Galois group of $K$ and the l...

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A survey of Galois theory of curves in characteristic p

April 13, 2010

82% Match
Rachel Pries, Katherine Stevenson
Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory

This survey is about Galois theory of curves in characteristic p, a topic which has inspired major research in algebraic geometry and number theory and which contains many open questions. We illustrate important phenomena which occur for covers of curves in characteristic p. We explain key results on the structure of fundamental groups. We end by describing areas of active research and giving two new results about the genus and p-rank of certain covers of the affine line.

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Hilbert specialization results with local conditions

December 24, 2014

82% Match
François Legrand
Number Theory

Given a field $k$ of characteristic zero and an indeterminate $T$, the main topic of the paper is the construction of specializations of any given finite extension of $k(T)$ of degree $n$ that are degree $n$ field extensions of $k$ with specified local behavior at any given finite set of primes of $k$. First, we give a full non-Galois analog of a result with a ramified type conclusion from a preceding paper and next we prove a unifying statement which combines our results and...

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Non-parametric sets of regular realizations over number fields

December 20, 2016

82% Match
Joachim König, François Legrand
Number Theory

Given a number field $k$, we show that, for many finite groups $G$, all the Galois extensions of $k$ with Galois group $G$ cannot be obtained by specializing any given finitely many Galois extensions $E/k(T)$ with Galois group $G$ and $E/k$ regular. Our examples include abelian groups, dihedral groups, symmetric groups, general linear groups over finite fields, etc. We also provide a similar conclusion while specializing any given infinitely many Galois extensions $E/k(T)$ wi...

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