ID: 2102.11142

Minimum supports of eigenfunctions of graphs: a survey

February 22, 2021

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Graph spectra as a systematic tool in computational biology

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Graphs with extremal energy should have a small number of distinct eigenvalues

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Minimum supports of eigenfunctions of Johnson graphs

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The Minimum Spectral Radius of Graphs with the Independence Number

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A lower bound on the entries of the principal eigenvector of a graph

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Felix Goldberg

We obtain a lower bound on each entry of the principal eigenvector of a non-regular connected graph.

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Eigenvectors of graph Laplacians: a landscape

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J. -G. Caputo, A. Knippel
Spectral Theory

We review the properties of eigenvectors for the graph Laplacian matrix, aiming at predicting a specific eigenvalue/vector from the geometry of the graph. After considering classical graphs for which the spectrum is known, we focus on eigenvectors that have zero components and extend the pioneering results of Merris (1998) on graph transformations that preserve a given eigenvalue $\lambda$ or shift it in a simple way. These transformations enable us to obtain eigenvalues/vect...

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