ID: 2106.02419

Emergent spatial patterns of coexistence in species-rich plant communities

June 4, 2021

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Pablo Villegas, Tommaso Gili, Guido Caldarelli
Condensed Matter
Quantitative Biology
Statistical Mechanics
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Biological Physics
Populations and Evolution

Statistical Physics has proved essential to analyze multi-agent environments. Motivated by the empirical observation of various non-equilibrium features in Barro Colorado and other ecological systems, we analyze a plant-species abundance model, presenting analytical evidence of scale-invariant plant clusters and non-trivial emergent modular correlations. Such first theoretical confirmation of a scale-invariant region, based on percolation processes, reproduces the key features in actual ecological ecosystems and can confer the most stable equilibrium for ecosystems with vast biodiversity.

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