June 4, 2021
Statistical Physics has proved essential to analyze multi-agent environments. Motivated by the empirical observation of various non-equilibrium features in Barro Colorado and other ecological systems, we analyze a plant-species abundance model, presenting analytical evidence of scale-invariant plant clusters and non-trivial emergent modular correlations. Such first theoretical confirmation of a scale-invariant region, based on percolation processes, reproduces the key features in actual ecological ecosystems and can confer the most stable equilibrium for ecosystems with vast biodiversity.
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November 13, 2023
In harsh environments, organisms may self-organize into spatially patterned systems in various ways. So far, studies of ecosystem spatial self-organization have primarily focused on apparent orders reflected by regular patterns. However, self-organized ecosystems may also have cryptic orders that can be unveiled only through certain quantitative analyses. Here we show that disordered hyperuniformity as a striking class of hidden orders can exist in spatially self-organized ve...
Natural ecosystems are characterized by striking diversity of form and functions and yet exhibit deep symmetries emerging across scales of space, time and organizational complexity. Species-area relationships and species-abundance distributions are examples of emerging patterns irrespective of the details of the underlying ecosystem functions. Here we present empirical and theoretical evidence for a new macroecological pattern related to the distributions of local species per...
July 30, 2014
Ecological spatial patterns reflect the underlying processes that shape the structure of species and communities. Mechanisms like inter and intra species competition, dispersal and host-pathogen interactions are believed to act over a wide range of scales, and the inference of the process from the pattern is, despite its popularity, a challenging task. Here we call attention to a quite unexpected phenomenon in the extensively studied tropical forest at the Barro-Colorado Isla...
January 20, 2020
Quantitative predictions about the processes that promote species coexistence are a subject of active research in ecology. In particular, competitive interactions are known to shape and maintain ecological communities, and situations where some species out-compete or dominate over some others are key to describe natural ecosystems. Here we develop ecological theory using a stochastic, synthetic framework for plant community assembly that leads to predictions amenable to empir...
Recently there has been growing interest in the use of Maximum Relative Entropy (MaxREnt) as a tool for statistical inference in ecology. In contrast, here we propose MaxREnt as a tool for applying statistical mechanics to ecology. We use MaxREnt to explain and predict species abundance patterns in ecological communities in terms of the most probable behaviour under given environmental constraints, in the same way that statistical mechanics explains and predicts the behaviour...
We analyze the vegetation growth dynamics with a stochastic cellular automata model and in real-world data obtained from satellite images. We look for areas where vegetation breaks down into clusters, comparing it to a percolation transition that happens in the cellular automata model and is an early warning signal of land degradation. We use satellite imagery data such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Leaf Area Index (LAI). We consider the periodic ef...
Diversity patterns of tree species in a tropical forest community are approached by a simple lattice model and investigated by Monte Carlo simulations using a backtracking method. Our spatially explicit neutral model is based on a simple statistical physics process, namely the diffusion of seeds. The model has three parameters: the speciation rate, the size of the meta-community in which the studied tree-community is embedded, and the average surviving time of the seeds. By e...
There is mounting empirical evidence that many communities of living organisms display key features which closely resemble those of physical systems at criticality. We here introduce a minimal model framework for the dynamics of a community of individuals which undergoes local birth-death, immigration and local jumps on a regular lattice. We study its properties when the system is close to its critical point. Even if this model violates detailed balance, within a physically r...