ID: 2108.05167

Some Open Questions in Quiver Gauge Theory

August 11, 2021

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Quivers as Calculators: Counting, Correlators and Riemann Surfaces

January 9, 2013

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Jurgis Pasukonis, Sanjaye Ramgoolam
Representation Theory

The spectrum of chiral operators in supersymmetric quiver gauge theories is typically much larger in the free limit, where the superpotential terms vanish. We find that the finite N counting of operators in any free quiver theory, with a product of unitary gauge groups, can be described by associating Young diagrams and Littlewood-Richardson multiplicities to a simple modification of the quiver, which we call the split-node quiver. The large N limit leads to a surprisingly si...

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On Algebraic Singularities, Finite Graphs and D-Brane Gauge Theories: A String Theoretic Perspective

September 26, 2002

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Yang-Hui He
Algebraic Geometry

In this writing we shall address certain beautiful inter-relations between the construction of 4-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories and resolution of algebraic singularities, from the perspective of String Theory. We review in some detail the requisite background in both the mathematics, such as orbifolds, symplectic quotients and quiver representations, as well as the physics, such as gauged linear sigma models, geometrical engineering, Hanany-Witten setups and D-bran...

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Quiver Gauge theories from Lie Superalgebras

July 26, 2012

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A. Belhaj, M. B. Sedra
High Energy Physics - Theory

We discuss quiver gauge models with matter fields based on Dynkin diagrams of Lie superalgebra structures. We focus on A(1,0) case and we find first that it can be related to intersecting complex cycles with genus $g$. Using toric geometry, A(1,0) quivers are analyzed in some details and it is shown that A(1,0) can be used to incorporate fundamental fields to a product of two unitary factor groups. We expect that this approach can be applied to other kinds of Lie superalgebra...

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Quantum geometry and quiver gauge theories

December 23, 2013

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Nikita Nekrasov, Vasily Pestun, Samson Shatashvili
Algebraic Geometry
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Representation Theory

We study macroscopically two dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ supersymmetric gauge theories constructed by compactifying the quiver gauge theories with eight supercharges on a product $\mathbb{T}^{d} \times \mathbb{R}^{2}_{\epsilon}$ of a $d$-dimensional torus and a two dimensional cigar with $\Omega$-deformation. We compute the universal part of the effective twisted superpotential. In doing so we establish the correspondence between the gauge theories, quantization of the mo...

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Remarks on quiver gauge theories from open topological string theory

December 23, 2009

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Nils Carqueville, Alexander Quintero Velez
Algebraic Geometry

We study effective quiver gauge theories arising from a stack of D3-branes on certain Calabi-Yau singularities. Our point of view is a first principle approach via open topological string theory. This means that we construct the natural A-infinity-structure of open string amplitudes in the associated D-brane category. Then we show that it precisely reproduces the results of the method of brane tilings, without having to resort to any effective field theory computations. In pa...

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Quiver Topology and RG Dynamics

November 28, 2008

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Vijay Balasubramanian, Bartlomiej Czech, ... , Wecht Brian
High Energy Physics - Theory

Renormalization group flows of quiver gauge theories play a central role in determining the low-energy properties of string vacua. We demonstrate that useful predictions about the RG dynamics of a quiver gauge theory may be extracted from the global structure of its quiver diagram. For quiver theories of a certain type, we develop an efficient and practical method for determining which superpotential deformations generate a flow to an interacting conformal fixed point.

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Supersymmetric quiver gauge theories on the lattice

November 20, 2013

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Anosh Joseph
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper we detail the lattice constructions of several classes of supersymmetric quiver gauge theories in two and three Euclidean spacetime dimensions possessing exact supersymmetry at finite lattice spacing. Such constructions are obtained through the methods of topological twisting and geometric discretization of Euclidean Yang--Mills theories with eight and sixteen supercharges in two and three dimensions. We detail the lattice constructions of two-dimensional quiver...

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Quiver Gauge Theory and Unification at About 4 TeV

February 8, 2003

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P. H. Frampton
High Energy Physics - Theory

The use of the AdS/CFT correspondence to arrive at quiver gauge field theories is dicussed, focusing on the orbifolded case without supersymmetry. An abelian orbifold with the finite group $Z_{p}$ can give rise to a $G = SU(N)^p$ gauge group with chiral fermions and complex scalars in different bi-fundamental representations of $G$. The precision measurements at the $Z$ resonance suggest the values $p = 12$ and $N = 3$, and a unifications scale $M_U \sim 4$ TeV.The robustness...

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Integrability As Duality: The Gauge/YBE Correspondence

August 13, 2018

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Masahito Yamazaki
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics
Exactly Solvable and Integra...

The Gauge/YBE correspondence states a surprising connection between solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation with spectral parameters and partition functions of supersymmetric quiver gauge theories. This correspondence has lead to systematic discoveries of new integrable models based on quantum-field-theory methods. We provide pedagogical introduction to the subject and summarizes many recent developments. This is a write-up of the lecture at the String-Math 2018 conference.

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Geometry of Particle Physics

March 6, 2007

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Martijn Wijnholt
High Energy Physics - Theory

We explain how to construct a large class of new quiver gauge theories from branes at singularities by orientifolding and Higgsing old examples. The new models include the MSSM, decoupled from gravity, as well as some classic models of dynamical SUSY breaking. We also discuss topological criteria for unification.

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