November 12, 2009
We have studied the different symmetric properties of the generalized Maxwell's - Dirac equation along with their quantum properties. Applying the parity (\mathcal{P}), time reversal (\mathcal{T}), charge conjugation (\mathcal{C}) and their combined effect like parity time reversal (\mathcal{PT}), charge conjugation and parity (\mathcal{CP}) and \mathcal{CP}T transformations to varius equations of generalized fields of dyons, it is shown that the corresponding dynamical quant...
June 12, 2003
An algebraic description of basic discrete symmetries (space inversion P, time reversal T, charge conjugation C and their combinations PT, CP, CT, CPT) is studied. Discrete subgroups {1,P,T,PT} of orthogonal groups of multidimensional spaces over the fields of real and complex numbers are considered in terms of fundamental automorphisms of Clifford algebras. The fundamental automorphisms form a finite group of order 4. The charge conjugation is represented by a pseudoautomorp...
January 25, 2000
In this paper we study the invariance of the noncmmutative gauge theories under C, P and T transformations. For the noncommutative space (when only the spatial part of $\theta$ is non-zero) we show that NCQED is Parity invariant. In addition, we show that under charge conjugation the theory on noncommutative $R^4_{\theta}$ is transformed to the theory on $R^4_{-\theta}$, so NCQED is a CP violating theory. The theory remains invariant under time reversal if, together with prop...
May 25, 1993
We present a set of quantum-mechanical Hamiltonians which can be written as the $F^{\,\rm th}$ power of a conserved charge: $H=Q^F$ with $[H,Q]=0$ and $F=2,3,...\, .$ This new construction, which we call {\it fractional}\/ supersymmetric quantum mechanics, is realized in terms of \pg\ variables satisfying $\t^F=0$. Furthermore, in a pseudo-classical context, we describe {\it fractional}\/ supersymmetry transformations as the $F^{\,\rm th}$ roots of time translations, and prov...
November 5, 2008
We show that the CPT group of the Dirac field emerges naturally from the PT and P (or T) subgroups of the Lorentz group.
May 11, 2014
We develop a complete resource theory of charge-parity-time (CPT) inversion symmetry for both massive and massless relativistic particles of arbitrary spin. We show that a unitary representation of CPT can be consistently constructed for all spins and develop the resource theory associated with CPT super-selection, thereby identifying and quantifying the resources required to lift the super-selection rule.
January 26, 2022
We extend to a non-Hermitian fermionic quantum field theory with PT symmetry our previous discussion of second quantization, discrete symmetry transformations, and inner products in a scalar field theory [arXiv:2006.06656]. For illustration, we consider a prototype model containing a single Dirac fermion with a parity-odd, anti-Hermitian mass term. In the phase of unbroken PT symmetry, this Dirac fermion model is equivalent to a Hermitian theory under a similarity transformat...
January 21, 2016
We study the discrete symmetries (P,C and T) on the kinematical level within the extended Poincare Group. On the basis of the Silagadze research, we investigate the question of the definitions of the discrete symmetry operators both on the classical level, and in the secondary-quantization scheme. We study the physical contents within several bases: light-front formulation, helicity basis, angular momentum basis, and so on, on several practical examples. We analise problems i...
September 2, 2008
Starting from Wigner's symmetry representation theorem, we give a general account of discrete symmetries (parity P, charge conjugation C, time-reversal T), focusing on fermions in Quantum Field Theory. We provide the rules of transformation of Weyl spinors, both at the classical level (grassmanian wave functions) and quantum level (operators). Making use of Wightman's definition of invariance, we outline ambiguities linked to the notion of classical fermionic Lagrangian. We t...
December 6, 2000
We review the role in physics of the Pin groups, double covers of the full Lorentz group. Pin(1,3) is to O(1,3) what Spin(1,3) is to SO(1,3). The existence of two Pin groups offers a classification of fermions based on their properties under space or time reversal finer than the classification based on their properties under orientation preserving Lorentz transformations -- provided one can design experiments that distinguish the two types of fermions. Many promising experime...