ID: 2110.13872

Singular loci of sparse resultants

October 26, 2021

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Some New Applications of Toric Geometry

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Numeric certified algorithm for the topology of resultant and discriminant curves

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Multivariate Subresultants in Roots

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The Resultant of an Unmixed Bivariate System

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Macaulay Style Formulas for Sparse Resultants

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Applications of singularity theory in applied algebraic geometry and algebraic statistics

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Laurentiu Maxim, Jose Israel Rodriguez, Botong Wang
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We survey recent applications of topology and singularity theory in the study of the algebraic complexity of concrete optimization problems in applied algebraic geometry and algebraic statistics.

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Gleb Pogudin
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When using resultants for elimination, one standard issue is that the resultant vanishes if the variety contains components of dimension larger than the expected dimension. J. Canny proposed an elegant construction, generalized characteristic polynomial, to address this issue by symbolically perturbing the system before the resultant computation. Such perturbed resultant would typically involve artefact components only loosely related to the geometry of the variety of interes...

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Algebraic Geometry
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We establish how the coefficients of a sparse polynomial system influence the sum (or the trace) of its zeros. As an application, we develop numerical tests for verifying whether a set of solutions to a sparse system is complete. These algorithms extend the classical trace test in numerical algebraic geometry. Our results rely on both the analysis of the structure of sparse resultants as well as an extension of Esterov's results on monodromy groups of sparse systems.

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