February 24, 2022
Similar papers 2
December 27, 2024
Charge conjugation (C), mirror reflection (R), and time reversal (T) symmetries, along with internal symmetries, are essential for massless Majorana and Dirac fermions. These symmetries are sufficient to rule out potential fermion bilinear mass terms, thereby establishing a gapless free fermion fixed point phase, pivotal for symmetric mass generation (SMG) transition. In this work, we systematically study the anomaly of C-R-T-internal symmetry in all spacetime dimensions by a...
July 23, 2023
The Fermi surface symmetric mass generation (SMG) is an intrinsically interaction-driven mechanism that opens an excitation gap on the Fermi surface without invoking symmetry-breaking or topological order. We explore this phenomenon within a bilayer square lattice model of spin-1/2 fermions, where the system can be tuned from a metallic Fermi liquid phase to a strongly-interacting SMG insulator phase by an inter-layer spin-spin interaction. The SMG insulator preserves all sym...
January 3, 2000
The recent solution to the fermion sign problem allows, for the first time, the use of cluster algorithm techniques to compute certain fermionic path integrals. To illustrate the underlying ideas behind the progress, a cluster algorithm is constructed to study the chiral phase transition in a strongly interacting staggered fermion model with an arbitrary mass term in 3+1 dimensions. Unlike conventional methods there is no difficulty in the cluster method to approach the chira...
November 16, 2023
The symmetric mass generation (SMG) phase is an insulator in which a single-particle gap is intrinsically opened by the interaction, without involving symmetry spontaneously breaking or topological order. Here, we perform unbiased quantum Monte-Carlo simulation and systematically investigate a bilayer fermionic model hosting Fermi surface SMG in the strongly interacting regime. With increasing interaction strength, the model undergoes a quantum phase transition from an excito...
September 10, 2020
We compute the effects of strong Hubbardlike local electronic interactions on three-dimensional four-component massless Dirac fermions, which in a noninteracting system possess a microscopic global U(1)$\otimes$SU(2) chiral symmetry. A concrete lattice realization of such chiral Dirac excitations is presented, and the role of electron-electron interactions is studied by performing a field theoretic renormalization group (RG) analysis, controlled by a \emph{small} parameter $\...
April 25, 2021
It is shown numerically, in a chiral U(1) gauge Higgs theory in which the left and right-handed fermion components have opposite U(1) charges, that the spectrum of gauge and Higgs fields surrounding a static fermion contains both a ground state and at least one stable excited state. To bypass the difficulties associated with dynamical fermions in a lattice chiral gauge theory we consider only static fermion sources in a quenched approximation, at fixed lattice spacing and cou...
October 30, 2017
In the mirror fermion approach with Ginsparg-Wilson fermions, it has been argued that the mirror fermions do not decouple: in the 345 model with Dirac- and Majorana-Yukawa couplings to XY-spin field, the two-point vertex function of the (external) gauge field in the mirror sector shows a singular non-local behavior in the PMS phase. We re-examine why the attempt seems a "Mission: Impossible" in the 345 model. We point out that the effective operators to break the fermion numb...
November 18, 1994
I review some of the difficulties associated with chiral symmetry in the context of a lattice regulator. I discuss the structure of Wilson Fermions when the hopping parameter is in the vicinity of its critical value. Here one flavor contrasts sharply with the case of more, where a residual chiral symmetry survives anomalies. I briefly discuss the surface mode approach, the use of mirror Fermions to cancel anomalies, and finally speculate on the problems with lattice versions ...
November 29, 2012
An approach to the formulation of chiral gauge theories on the lattice is to start with a vector-like theory, but decouple one chirality (the "mirror" fermions) using strong Yukawa interactions with a chirally coupled "Higgs" field. While this is an attractive idea, its viability needs to be tested with nonperturbative studies. The model that we study here, the so-called "3-4-5" model, is anomaly free and the presence of massless states in the mirror sector is not required by...
March 28, 2016
We study a lattice model of interacting Dirac fermions in $(2+1)$ dimension space-time with an SU(4) symmetry. While increasing interaction strength, this model undergoes a {\it continuous} quantum phase transition from the weakly interacting Dirac semimetal to a fully gapped and nondegenerate phase without condensing any Dirac fermion bilinear mass operator. This unusual mechanism for mass generation is consistent with recent studies of interacting topological insulators/sup...