ID: 2203.11602

An Algorithm for Solving Solvable Polynomial Equations of Arbitrary Degree by Radicals

March 22, 2022

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Song Li
Computer Science
Rings and Algebras
Data Structures and Algorith...
Group Theory

This work provides a method(an algorithm) for solving the solvable unary algebraic equation $f(x)=0$ ($f(x)\in\mathbb{Q}[x]$) of arbitrary degree and obtaining the exact radical roots. This method requires that we know the Galois group as the permutation group of the roots of $f(x)$ and the approximate roots with sufficient precision beforehand. Of course, the approximate roots are not necessary but can help reduce the quantity of computation. The algorithm complexity is approximately proportional to the 4th power of the size of the Galois group of $f(x)$. The whole algorithm doesn't need to deal with tremendous polynomials or reduce symmetric polynomials.

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Computation of Galois groups of rational polynomials

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Claus Fieker, Jürgen Klüners
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A short elementary proof of the insolvability of the equation of degree 5

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The quadratic formula made hard: A less radical approach to solving equations

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Galois Theory without abstract algebra

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Leonid Lerner
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Computing the fixing group of a rational function

May 15, 2008

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Jaime Gutierrez, Rosario Rubio, David Sevilla
Symbolic Computation
Commutative Algebra

Let G=Aut_K (K(x)) be the Galois group of the transcendental degree one pure field extension K(x)/K. In this paper we describe polynomial time algorithms for computing the field Fix(H) fixed by a subgroup H < G and for computing the fixing group G_f of a rational function f in K(x).

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Algorithms in algebraic number theory

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Hendrik W. Jr. Lenstra
Number Theory

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Transforming Radical Differential Equations to Algebraic Differential Equations

December 2, 2021

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Sebastian Falkensteiner, Rafael Sendra
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Algebraic Geometry
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In this paper we present an algorithmic procedure that transforms, if possible, a given system of ordinary or partial differential equations with radical dependencies in the unknown function and its derivatives into a system with polynomial relations among them by means of a rational change of variables. The solutions of the given equation and its transformation correspond one-to-one. This work can be seen as a generalization of previous work on reparametrization of ODEs and ...

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On the Computation of the Galois Group of Linear Difference Equations

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Ruyong Feng
Symbolic Computation

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Computing $e$-th roots in number fields

May 27, 2023

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Olivier Bernard, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Andrea Lesavourey
Number Theory

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