ID: 2204.03519

Extremal bounds for Dirichlet polynomials with random multiplicative coefficients

April 7, 2022

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Jacques Benatar, Alon Nishry
Number Theory

For $X(n)$ a Steinhaus random multiplicative function, we study the maximal size of the random Dirichlet polynomial $$ D_N(t) = \frac1{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{n \leq N} X(n) n^{it}, $$ with $t$ in various ranges. In particular, for fixed $C>0$ and any small $\varepsilon>0$ we show that, with high probability, $$ \exp( (\log N)^{1/2-\varepsilon} ) \ll \sup_{|t| \leq N^C} |D_N(t)| \ll \exp( (\log N)^{1/2+\varepsilon}). $$

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Extreme values of Dirichlet polynomials with multiplicative coefficients

March 12, 2023

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Max Wenqiang Xu, Daodao Yang
Number Theory

We study extreme values of Dirichlet polynomials with multiplicative coefficients, namely \[D_N(t) : = D_{f,\, N}(t)= \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{n\leqslant N} f(n) n^{it}, \] where $f$ is a completely multiplicative function with $|f(n)|=1$ for all $n\in\mathbb{N}$. We use Soundararajan's resonance method to produce large values of $\left|D_N(t)\right|$ uniformly for all such $f$. In particular, we improve a recent result of Benatar and Nishry, where they establish weaker l...

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Bounds for exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients

January 29, 2024

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Seth Hardy
Number Theory

For $f$ a Rademacher or Steinhaus random multiplicative function, we prove that $$ \max_{\theta \in [0,1]} \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \Bigl| \sum_{n \leq N} f(n) \mathrm{e} (n \theta) \Bigr| \gg \sqrt{\log N} ,$$ asymptotically almost surely as $N \rightarrow \infty$. Furthermore, for $f$ a Steinhaus random multiplicative function, and any $\varepsilon > 0$, we prove the partial upper bound result $$ \max_{\theta \in [0,1]} \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \Bigl| \sum_{\substack{n \leq N \\ P(n) \...

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An almost sure upper bound for random multiplicative functions on integers with a large prime factor

May 20, 2021

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Daniele Mastrostefano
Number Theory

Let $f$ be a Rademacher or a Steinhaus random multiplicative function. Let $\varepsilon>0$ small. We prove that, as $x\rightarrow +\infty$, we almost surely have $$\bigg|\sum_{\substack{n\leq x\\ P(n)>\sqrt{x}}}f(n)\bigg|\leq\sqrt{x}(\log\log x)^{1/4+\varepsilon},$$ where $P(n)$ stands for the largest prime factor of $n$. This gives an indication of the almost sure size of the largest fluctuations of $f$.

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Moments of polynomials with random multiplicative coefficients

December 31, 2020

87% Match
Jacques Benatar, Alon Nishry, Brad Rodgers
Number Theory

For $X(n)$ a Rademacher or Steinhaus random multiplicative function, we consider the random polynomials $$ P_N(\theta) = \frac1{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{n\leq N} X(n) e(n\theta), $$ and show that the $2k$-th moments on the unit circle $$ \int_0^1 \big| P_N(\theta) \big|^{2k}\, d\theta $$ tend to Gaussian moments in the sense of mean-square convergence, uniformly for $k \ll (\log N / \log \log N)^{1/3}$, but that in contrast to the case of i.i.d. coefficients, this behavior does not pe...

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Oleksiy Klurman, Ilya D. Shkredov, Max Wenqiang Xu
Number Theory

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Almost sure bounds for a weighted Steinhaus random multiplicative function

July 2, 2023

87% Match
Seth Hardy
Number Theory

We obtain almost sure bounds for the weighted sum $\sum_{n \leq t} \frac{f(n)}{\sqrt{n}}$, where $f(n)$ is a Steinhaus random multiplicative function. Specifically, we obtain the bounds predicted by exponentiating the law of the iterated logarithm, giving sharp upper and lower bounds.

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New large value estimates for Dirichlet polynomials

May 31, 2024

86% Match
Larry Guth, James Maynard
Number Theory

We prove new bounds for how often Dirichlet polynomials can take large values. This gives improved estimates for a Dirichlet polynomial of length $N$ taking values of size close to $N^{3/4}$, which is the critical situation for several estimates in analytic number theory connected to prime numbers and the Riemann zeta function. As a consequence, we deduce a zero density estimate $N(\sigma,T)\le T^{30(1-\sigma)/13+o(1)}$ and asymptotics for primes in short intervals of length ...

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Almost sure upper bound for random multiplicative functions

April 3, 2023

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Rachid Caich
Number Theory

Let $\varepsilon >0$. Let $f$ be a Steinhaus or Rademacher random multiplicative function. We prove that we have almost surely, as $x \to +\infty$, $$ \sum_{n \leqslant x} f(n) \ll \sqrt{x} (\log_2 x)^{\frac{1}{4}+ \varepsilon}. $$ Thanks to Harper's Lower bound, this gives a sharp upper bound of the largest fluctuation of the quantity $\sum_{n \leqslant x} f(n)$.

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Almost sure large fluctuations of random multiplicative functions

December 31, 2020

86% Match
Adam J. Harper
Number Theory

We prove that if $f(n)$ is a Steinhaus or Rademacher random multiplicative function, there almost surely exist arbitrarily large values of $x$ for which $|\sum_{n \leq x} f(n)| \geq \sqrt{x} (\log\log x)^{1/4+o(1)}$. This is the first such bound that grows faster than $\sqrt{x}$, answering a question of Hal\'asz and proving a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s. It is plausible that the exponent $1/4$ is sharp in this problem. The proofs work by establishing a multivariate Gaussian app...

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Supremum of Random Dirichlet Polynomials with Sub-multiplicative Coefficients

April 15, 2009

86% Match
Michel Weber
Number Theory

We study the supremum of random Dirichlet polynomials $D_N(t)=\sum_{n=1}^N\varepsilon_n d(n) n^{- s}$, where $(\varepsilon_n)$ is a sequence of independent Rademacher random variables, and $ d $ is a sub-multiplicative function. The approach is gaussian and entirely based on comparison properties of Gaussian processes, with no use of the metric entropy method.

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