ID: 2210.03544

Character factorizations for representations of GL(n,C)

October 7, 2022

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Chayan Karmakar
Representation Theory
Group Theory

The aim of this paper is to give another proof of a theorem of D.Prasad, which calculates the character of an irreducible representation of $\text{GL}(mn,\mathbb{C})$ at the diagonal elements of the form $\underline{t} \cdot c_n$, where $\underline{t}=(t_1,t_2,\cdots,t_m)$ $\in$ $(\mathbb{C}^*)^{m}$ and $c_n=(1,\omega_n,\omega_n^{2},\cdots,\omega_n^{n-1})$, where $\omega_n=e^{\frac{2\pi \imath}{n}}$, and expresses it as a product of certain characters for $\text{GL}(m,\mathbb{C})$ at $\underline{t}^n$.

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A character relationship on $GL_n$

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Dipendra Prasad
Representation Theory

In this paper we consider the character of a finite dimensional algebraic representation of $GL_{mn}({\mathbb C})$ restricted to a particular disconnected component of the normalizer of the Levi subgroup $GL_m({\mathbb C})^n$ of $GL_{mn}(\mathbb C)$, generalizing a theorem of Kostant on the character values at the Coxeter element.

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Factorization of classical characters twisted by roots of unity

September 23, 2021

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Arvind Ayyer, Nishu Kumari
Representation Theory

For a fixed integer $t \geq 2$, we consider the irreducible characters of representations of the classical groups of types A, B, C and D, namely $\text{GL}_{tn}, \text{SO}_{2tn+1}, \text{Sp}_{2tn}$ and $\text{O}_{2tn}$, evaluated at elements $\omega^k x_i$ for $0 \leq k \leq t-1$ and $1 \leq i \leq n$, where $\omega$ is a primitive $t$'th root of unity. The case of $\text{GL}_{tn}$ was considered by D. J. Littlewood (AMS press, 1950) and independently by D. Prasad (Israel J. ...

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Characters of $GL_n(\mathbb F_q)$ and vertex operators

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Naihuan Jing, Yu Wu
Representation Theory
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Factorization of classical characters twisted by roots of unity: II

December 23, 2022

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Nishu Kumari
Representation Theory

Fix natural numbers $n \geq 1$, $t \geq 2$ and a primitive $t^{\text{th}}$ root of unity $\omega$. In previous work with A. Ayyer (J. Alg., 2022), we studied the factorization of specialized irreducible characters of $\text{GL}_{tn}$, $\text{SO}_{2tn+1},$ $\text{Sp}_{2tn}$ and $\text{O}_{2tn}$ evaluated at elements to $\omega^j x_i$ for $0 \leq j \leq t-1$ and $1 \leq i \leq n$. In this work, we extend the results to the groups $\text{GL}_{tn+m}$ $(0 \leq m \leq t-1)$, $\text...

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Representations and characters of finite groups

October 24, 2021

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D. O. Revin, A. V. Zavarnitsine
Group Theory

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Representation Theory of Finite Groups

January 4, 2010

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Anupam Singh
Representation Theory
Group Theory

The point of view of these notes on the topic is to bring out the flavour that Representation Theory is an extension of the first course on Group Theory. We also emphasize the importance of the base field. These notes cover completely the theory over complex numbers which is Character Theory. A large number of worked-out examples are the main feature of these notes. The prerequisite for this note is basic group theory and linear algebra.

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A first guide to the character theory of finite groups of Lie type

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Meinolf Geck
Representation Theory

This survey article is an introduction to some of Lusztig's work on the character theory of a finite group of Lie type $G(F_q)$, where $q$ is a power of a prime~$p$. It is partly based on two series of lectures given at the Centre Bernoulli (EPFL) in July 2016 and at a summer school in Les Diablerets in August 2015. Our focus here is on questions related to the parametrization of the irreducible characters and on results which hold without any assumption on~$p$ or~$q$.

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Towards a supercharacter theory of the parabolic subgroups

September 16, 2017

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A. N. Panov
Representation Theory

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Character Formulas from Matrix Factorizations

April 1, 2017

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Representation Theory

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