ID: 2210.03789

The VC-dimension of quadratic residues in finite fields

October 7, 2022

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Structural theorems on the distance sets over finite fields

November 28, 2021

83% Match
Doowon Koh, Minh Quy Pham, Thang Pham
Number Theory

Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field of order $q$. Iosevich and Rudnev (2005) proved that for any set $A\subset \mathbb{F}_q^d$, if $|A|\gg q^{\frac{d+1}{2}}$, then the distance set $\Delta(A)$ contains a positive proportion of all distances. Although this result is sharp in odd dimensions, it is conjectured that the right exponent should be $\frac{d}{2}$ in even dimensions. During the last 15 years, only some improvements have been made in two dimensions, and the conjecture ...

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On squares in subsets of finite fields with restrictions on coefficients of basis decomposition

February 21, 2016

83% Match
Mikhail Gabdullin
Number Theory

We consider the linear vector space formed by the elements of the finite fields $\mathbb{F}_q$ with $q=p^r$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Let ${a_1,\ldots,a_r}$ be a basis of this space. Then the elements $x$ of $\mathbb{F}_q$ have a unique representation in the form $\sum_{j=1}^r c_ja_j$ with $c_j\in\mathbb{F}_p$. Let $D$ be a subset of $\mathbb{F}_p$. We consider the set $W_D$ of elements of $\mathbb{F}_q$ such that $c_j\in D$ for all $j=1,\ldots,r$. We give an estimate for the numb...

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On quadratic residue codes and hyperelliptic curves

September 20, 2006

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David Joyner
Information Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Information Theory
Number Theory

A long standing problem has been to develop "good" binary linear codes to be used for error-correction. This paper investigates in some detail an attack on this problem using a connection between quadratic residue codes and hyperelliptic curves. One question which coding theory is used to attack is: Does there exist a c<2 such that, for all sufficiently large $p$ and all subsets S of GF(p), we have |X_S(GF(p))| < cp?

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Sums and products in finite fields: an integral geometric viewpoint

May 29, 2007

82% Match
Derrick University of Missouri - Columbia Hart, Alex University of Missouri - Columbia Iosevich
Number Theory
Classical Analysis and ODEs

We prove that if $A \subset {\Bbb F}_q$ is such that $$|A|>q^{{1/2}+\frac{1}{2d}},$$ then $${\Bbb F}_q^{*} \subset dA^2=A^2+...+A^2 d \text{times},$$ where $$A^2=\{a \cdot a': a,a' \in A\},$$ and where ${\Bbb F}_q^{*}$ denotes the multiplicative group of the finite field ${\Bbb F}_q$. In particular, we cover ${\Bbb F}_q^{*}$ by $A^2+A^2$ if $|A|>q^{{3/4}}$. Furthermore, we prove that if $$|A| \ge C_{size}^{\frac{1}{d}}q^{{1/2}+\frac{1}{2(2d-1)}},$$ then $$|dA^2| \ge q \cdot \...

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Estimates for the number of rational points on simple abelian varieties over finite fields

June 5, 2019

82% Match
Borys Kadets
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry

Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety of dimension $g$ over the field $\mathbb{F}_q$. The paper provides improvements on the Weil estimates for the size of $A(\mathbb{F}_q)$. For an arbitrary value of $q$ we prove $(\lfloor(\sqrt{q}-1)^2 \rfloor + 1)^g \leqslant A(\mathbb{F}_q) \leqslant (\lceil(\sqrt{q}+1)^2 \rceil - 1)^{g}$ holds with finitely many exceptions. We compute improved bounds for various small values of $q$. For instance, the Weil bounds for $q=3,4$ give a trivial ...

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On primitive elements in finite fields of low characteristic

December 20, 2014

82% Match
Abhishek Bhowmick, Thái Hoàng Lê
Number Theory
Computational Complexity

We discuss the problem of constructing a small subset of a finite field containing primitive elements of the field. Given a finite field, $\mathbb{F}_{q^n}$, small $q$ and large $n$, we show that the set of all low degree polynomials contains the expected number of primitive elements. The main theorem we prove is a bound for character sums over short intervals in function fields. Our result is unconditional and slightly better than what is known (conditionally under GRH) in...

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Inverse questions for the large sieve

November 24, 2013

82% Match
Ben J. Green, Adam J. Harper
Number Theory

Suppose that an infinite set $A$ occupies at most $\frac{1}{2}(p+1)$ residue classes modulo $p$, for every sufficiently large prime $p$. The squares, or more generally the integer values of any quadratic, are an example of such a set. By the large sieve inequality the number of elements of $A$ that are at most $X$ is $O(X^{1/2})$, and the quadratic examples show that this is sharp. The simplest form of the inverse large sieve problem asks whether they are the only examples. W...

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Sum-product estimates over arbitrary finite fields

May 23, 2018

82% Match
Doowon Koh, Sujin Lee, ... , Shen Chun-Yen
Number Theory

In this paper we prove some results on sum-product estimates over arbitrary finite fields. More precisely, we show that for sufficiently small sets $A\subset \mathbb{F}_q$ we have \[|(A-A)^2+(A-A)^2|\gg |A|^{1+\frac{1}{21}}.\] This can be viewed as the Erd\H{o}s distinct distances problem for Cartesian product sets over arbitrary finite fields. We also prove that \[\max\{|A+A|, |A^2+A^2|\}\gg |A|^{1+\frac{1}{42}}, ~|A+A^2|\gg |A|^{1+\frac{1}{84}}.\]

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Configurations of rectangles in a set in $\mathbb{F}_q^2$

March 21, 2021

82% Match
Doowon Koh, Sujin Lee, ... , Shen Chun-Yen
Number Theory

Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field of order $q$. In this paper, we study the distribution of rectangles in a given set in $\mathbb{F}_q^2$. More precisely, for any $0<\delta\le 1$, we prove that there exists an integer $q_0=q_0(\delta)$ with the following property: if $q\ge q_0$ and $A$ is a multiplicative subgroup of $\mathbb{F}^*_q$ with $|A|\ge q^{2/3}$, then any set $S\subset \mathbb{F}_q^2$ with $|S|\ge \delta q^2$ contains at least $\gg \frac{|S|^4|A|^2}{q^5}$ rectang...

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A note on the Freiman and Balog-Szemeredi-Gowers theorems in finite fields

January 22, 2007

82% Match
Ben Green, Terence Tao
Number Theory

We obtain quantitative versions of the Balog-Szemeredi-Gowers and Freiman theorems in the model case of a finite field geometry F_2^n, improving the previously known bounds in such theorems. For instance, if A is a subset of F_2^n such that |A+A| <= K|A| (thus A has small additive doubling), we show that there exists an affine subspace V of F_2^n of cardinality |V| >> K^{-O(\sqrt{K})} |A| such that |A \cap V| >> |V|/2K. Under the assumption that A contains at least |A|^3/K qu...

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