ID: 2211.01369

Gravitational Dimensionality Reduction Using Newtonian Gravity and Einstein's General Relativity

October 30, 2022

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Benyamin Ghojogh, Smriti Sharma
Computer Science
General Relativity and Quant...
Machine Learning
Computer Vision and Pattern ...
Classical Physics

Due to the effectiveness of using machine learning in physics, it has been widely received increased attention in the literature. However, the notion of applying physics in machine learning has not been given much awareness to. This work is a hybrid of physics and machine learning where concepts of physics are used in machine learning. We propose the supervised Gravitational Dimensionality Reduction (GDR) algorithm where the data points of every class are moved to each other for reduction of intra-class variances and better separation of classes. For every data point, the other points are considered to be gravitational particles, such as stars, where the point is attracted to the points of its class by gravity. The data points are first projected onto a spacetime manifold using principal component analysis. We propose two variants of GDR -- one with the Newtonian gravity and one with the Einstein's general relativity. The former uses Newtonian gravity in a straight line between points but the latter moves data points along the geodesics of spacetime manifold. For GDR with relativity gravitation, we use both Schwarzschild and Minkowski metric tensors to cover both general relativity and special relativity. Our simulations show the effectiveness of GDR in discrimination of classes.

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Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction using Deep Neural Networks for Clustering of LIGO Data

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Higher order multi-dimension reduction methods via Einstein-product

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Alaeddine Zahir, Khalide Jbilou, Ahmed Ratnani
Numerical Analysis
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This paper explores the extension of dimension reduction (DR) techniques to the multi-dimension case by using the Einstein product. Our focus lies on graph-based methods, encompassing both linear and nonlinear approaches, within both supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms. Additionally, we investigate variants such as repulsion graphs and kernel methods for linear approaches. Furthermore, we present two generalizations for each method, based on single or multiple weig...

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Gravitational Clustering

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Armen Aghajanyan
Machine Learning

The downfall of many supervised learning algorithms, such as neural networks, is the inherent need for a large amount of training data. Although there is a lot of buzz about big data, there is still the problem of doing classification from a small dataset. Other methods such as support vector machines, although capable of dealing with few samples, are inherently binary classifiers, and are in need of learning strategies such as One vs All in the case of multi-classification. ...

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Interpretable Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection on the Manifold

September 19, 2019

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Babak Hosseini, Barbara Hammer
Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Dimensionality reduction (DR) on the manifold includes effective methods which project the data from an implicit relational space onto a vectorial space. Regardless of the achievements in this area, these algorithms suffer from the lack of interpretation of the projection dimensions. Therefore, it is often difficult to explain the physical meaning behind the embedding dimensions. In this research, we propose the interpretable kernel DR algorithm (I-KDR) as a new algorithm whi...

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On Manifold Learning in Plato's Cave: Remarks on Manifold Learning and Physical Phenomena

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Hierarchical Subspace Learning for Dimensionality Reduction to Improve Classification Accuracy in Large Data Sets

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Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Manifold learning is used for dimensionality reduction, with the goal of finding a projection subspace to increase and decrease the inter- and intraclass variances, respectively. However, a bottleneck for subspace learning methods often arises from the high dimensionality of datasets. In this paper, a hierarchical approach is proposed to scale subspace learning methods, with the goal of improving classification in large datasets by a range of 3% to 10%. Different combinations...

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Visual Cluster Separation Using High-Dimensional Sharpened Dimensionality Reduction

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85% Match
Youngjoo Kim, Alexandru C. Telea, ... , Roerdink Jos B. T. M.
Computer Vision and Pattern ...

Applying dimensionality reduction (DR) to large, high-dimensional data sets can be challenging when distinguishing the underlying high-dimensional data clusters in a 2D projection for exploratory analysis. We address this problem by first sharpening the clusters in the original high-dimensional data prior to the DR step using Local Gradient Clustering (LGC). We then project the sharpened data from the high-dimensional space to 2D by a user-selected DR method. The sharpening s...

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Curvature Augmented Manifold Embedding and Learning

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Nonlinear Supervised Dimensionality Reduction via Smooth Regular Embeddings

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Computer Vision and Pattern ...

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