March 7, 2023
Similar papers 2
March 6, 2017
Branching processes $(Z_n)_{n \ge 0}$ in a varying environment generalize the Galton-Watson process, in that they allow time-dependence of the offspring distribution. Our main results concern general criteria for a.s. extinction, square-integrability of the martingale $(Z_n/\mathbf E[Z_n])_{n \ge 0}$, properties of the martingale limit $W$ and a Yaglom type result stating convergence to an exponential limit distribution of the suitably normalized population size $Z_n$, condit...
January 11, 2010
For a branching process in random environment it is assumed that the offspring distribution of the individuals varies in a random fashion, independently from one generation to the other. Interestingly there is the possibility that the process may at the same time be subcritical and, conditioned on nonextinction, 'supercritical'. This so-called weakly subcritical case is considered in this paper. We study the asymptotic survival probability and the size of the population condi...
July 3, 2023
We prove a scaling limit theorem for two-type Galton-Waston branching processes with interaction. The limit theorem gives rise to a class of mixed state branching processes with interaction using to simulate the evolution for cell division affected by parasites. Such process can also be obtained by the pathwise unique solution to a stochastic equation system. Moreover, we present sufficient conditions for extinction with probability one and the exponential ergodicity in the t...
December 3, 2008
Understanding the time evolution of fragmented animal populations and their habitats, connected by migration, is a problem of both theoretical and practical interest. This paper presents a method for calculating the time evolution of the habitats' population size distribution from a general stochastic dynamic within each habitat, using a deterministic approximation which becomes exact for an infinite number of habitats. Fragmented populations are usually thought to be charact...
October 28, 2008
A branching process in random environment $(Z_n, n \in \N)$ is a generalization of Galton Watson processes where at each generation the reproduction law is picked randomly. In this paper we give several results which belong to the class of {\it large deviations}. By contrast to the Galton-Watson case, here random environments and the branching process can conspire to achieve atypical events such as $Z_n \le e^{cn}$ when $c$ is smaller than the typical geometric growth rate $\...
July 13, 2005
We give an explicit formula for the most likely path to extinction for the Galton-Watson processes with large initial population. We establish this result with the help of the large deviation principle (LDP) which also recovers the asymptotics of extinction probability. Due to the nonnegativity of the Galton-Watson processes, the proof of LDP verification at the point of extinction uses a nonstandard argument of independent interest.
September 16, 2014
A wide range of stochastic processes that model the growth and decline of populations exhibit a curious dichotomy: with certainty either the population goes extinct or its size tends to infinity. There is a elegant and classical theorem that explains why this dichotomy must hold under certain assumptions concerning the process. In this note, I explore how these assumptions might be relaxed further in order to obtain the same, or a similar conclusion, and obtain both positive ...
October 16, 2015
The paper presents a phenomenon occurring in population processes that start near zero and have large carrying capacity. By the classical result of Kurtz~(1970), such processes, normalized by the carrying capacity, converge on finite intervals to the solutions of ordinary differential equations, also known as the fluid limit. When the initial population is small relative to carrying capacity, this limit is trivial. Here we show that, viewed at suitably chosen times increasing...
June 2, 2021
Let $(Z_n,n\geq 0)$ be a supercritical Galton-Watson process whose offspring distribution $\mu$ has mean $\lambda>1$ and is such that $\int x(\log(x))_+ d\mu(x)<+\infty$. According to the famous Kesten \& Stigum theorem, $(Z_n/\lambda^n)$ converges almost surely, as $n\to+\infty$. The limiting random variable has mean~1, and its distribution is characterised as the solution of a fixed point equation. \par In this paper, we consider a family of Galton-Watson processes $(Z_n(\l...
March 12, 2019
A general multi-type population model is considered, where individuals live and reproduce according to their age and type, but also under the influence of the size and composition of the entire population. We describe the dynamics of the population density as a measure-valued process and obtain its asymptotics, as the population grows with the environmental carrying capacity. "Density" in this paper generally refers to the population size as compared to the carrying capacity....