March 18, 2019
The theorem of orthogonal-orthogonal duality of Rowe, Repka, and Carvalho is proven by a method based on characters that is very different from theirs and akin to Helmers's half a century earlier proof of the analogous sympletic-symplectic duality. I demonstrate how three duality theorems listed by Rowe, Repka, and Carvalho allow very brief derivations of linear relations between the Casimir invariants of the connected representations based on the geometry of their Young diag...
January 18, 2022
By generalizing Frobenius' polynomial method to good partition algebra, we will develop new character theories for a finite group $G$. A uniform defining equations are derived for these kinds of character theories. The new character theories leads to various factorizations of the group determinant. We will show that these new character theories are equivalent to the Frobenius polynomials of the correspondent good partition algebras. In particular, the character table of a fin...
October 24, 2021
This text is an extended version of the lecture notes for a course on representation theory of finite groups that was given by the authors during several years for graduate and postgraduate students of Novosibirsk State University and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.
September 27, 2023
In this paper, we present a vertex operator approach to construct and compute all complex irreducible characters of the general linear group $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb F_q)$. Green's theory of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb F_q)$ is recovered and enhanced under the realization of the Grothendieck ring of representations $R_G=\bigoplus_{n\geq 0}R(\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb F_q))$ as two isomorphic Fock spaces associated to two infinite-dimensional $F$-equivariant Heisenberg Lie algebras $\wide...
September 4, 2014
We give a general definition of classical and quantum groups whose representation theory is "determined by partitions" and study their structure. This encompasses many examples of classical groups for which Schur-Weyl duality is described with diagram algebras as well as generalizations of P. Deligne's interpolated categories of representations. Our setting is inspired by many previous works on easy quantum groups and appears to be well-suited to the study of free fusion semi...
April 1, 2017
In this paper I present a new and unified method of proving character formulas for discrete series representations of connected Lie groups by applying a Chern character-type construction to the matrix factorizations of [FT] and [FHT3]. In the case of a compact group I recover the Kirillov formula, thereby exhibiting the work of [FT] as a categorification of the Kirillov correspondence. In the case of a real semisimple group I recover the Rossman character formula with only a ...
June 25, 2024
The character table of the symmetric group $S_n$, of permutations of $n$ objects, is of fundamental interest in theoretical physics, combinatorics as well as computational complexity theory. We investigate the implications of an identity, which has a geometrical interpretation in combinatorial topological field theories, relating the column sum of normalised central characters of $S_n$ to a sum of structure constants of multiplication in the centre of the group algebra of $S_...
August 23, 2018
We present a brief summary of the recent discovery of direct tensorial analogue of characters. We distinguish three degrees of generalization: (1) $c$-number Kronecker characters made with the help of symmetric group characters and inheriting most of the nice properties of conventional Schur functions, except for forming a complete basis for the case of rank $r>2$ tensors: they are orthogonal, are eigenfunctions of appropriate cut-and-join operators and form a complete basis ...
June 28, 2024
We study the cohomology of $G$-representation varieties and $G$-character stacks by means of a topological quantum field theory (TQFT). This TQFT is constructed as the composite of a so-called field theory and the 6-functor formalism of sheaves on topological stacks. We apply this framework to compute the cohomology of various $G$-representation varieties and $G$-character stacks of closed surfaces for $G = \text{SU}(2), \text{SO}(3)$ and $\text{U}(2)$. This work can be seen ...
March 14, 2022
We raise the question of whether (a slightly generalized notion of) $qq$-characters can be constructed purely representation-theoretically. In the main example of the quantum toroidal $\mathfrak{gl}_1$ algebra, geometric engineering of adjoint matter produces an explicit vertex operator $\mathsf{RR}$ which computes certain $qq$-characters, namely Hirzebruch $\chi_y$-genera, completely analogously to how the R-matrix $\mathsf{R}$ computes $q$-characters. We give a geometric pr...