April 27, 2023
We discuss the dynamics of the formation of a Bose polaron when an impurity is injected into a weakly interacting one-dimensional Bose condensate. While for small impurity-boson couplings this process can be described within the Froehlich model as generation, emission and binding of Bogoliubov phonons, this is no longer adequate if the coupling becomes strong. To treat this regime we consider a mean-field approach beyond the Froehlich model which accounts for the backaction to the condensate, complemented with Truncated Wigner simulations to include quantum fluctuation. For the stationary polaron we find an energy-momentum relation that displays a smooth crossover from a convex to a concave dependence associated with a non-monotonous relation between impurity velocity and polaron momentum. For larger momenta the energy is a periodic function including regions of negative impurity velocity. Studying the polaron formation after turning on the impurity-boson coupling quasi adiabatically and in a sudden quench, we find a very rich scenario of dynamical regimes. Due to the build-up of an effective mass, the impurity is slowed down even if its initial velocity is below the Landau critical value. For larger initial velocities we find deceleration and even backscattering caused by emission of density waves or grey solitons and subsequent formation of stationary polaron states in different momentum sectors. In order to analyze the effect of quantum fluctuations we consider a trapped condensate to avoid 1D infrared divergencies. Using Truncated Wigner simulations in this case we show under what conditions the influence of quantum fluctuations is small.
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