ID: 2306.13403

Sumsets and entropy revisited

June 23, 2023

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Sampling-based proofs of almost-periodicity results and algorithmic applications

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Discrete Mathematics
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We give new combinatorial proofs of known almost-periodicity results for sumsets of sets with small doubling in the spirit of Croot and Sisask, whose almost-periodicity lemma has had far-reaching implications in additive combinatorics. We provide an alternative (and L^p-norm free) point of view, which allows for proofs to easily be converted to probabilistic algorithms that decide membership in almost-periodic sumsets of dense subsets of F_2^n. As an application, we give a ...

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On additive doubling and energy

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Nets Hawk Katz, Paul Koester
Classical Analysis and ODEs

We show that if A is a set having small subtractive doubling in an abelian group, that is |A-A|< K|A|, then there is a polynomially large subset B of A-A so that the additive energy of B is large than (1/K)^{1 - \epsilon) where epsilon is a positive, universal exponent. (1/37 seems to suffice.)

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Freiman-Ruzsa-type theory for small doubling constant

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Hansheng Diao

In this paper, we study the linear structure of sets $A \subset \mathbb{F}_2^n$ with doubling constant $\sigma(A)<2$, where $\sigma(A):=\frac{|A+A|}{|A|}$. In particular, we show that $A$ is contained in a small affine subspace. We also show that $A$ can be covered by at most four shifts of some subspace $V$ with $|V|\leq |A|$. Finally, we classify all binary sets with small doubling constant.

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A combinatorial proof of a sumset conjecture of Furstenberg

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Daniel Glasscock, Joel Moreira, Florian K. Richter
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We give a new proof of a sumset conjecture of Furstenberg that was first proved by Hochman and Shmerkin in 2012: if $\log r / \log s$ is irrational and $X$ and $Y$ are $\times r$- and $\times s$-invariant subsets of $[0,1]$, respectively, then $\dim_\text{H} (X+Y) = \min ( 1, \dim_\text{H} X + \dim_\text{H} Y)$. Our main result yields information on the size of the sumset $\lambda X + \eta Y$ uniformly across a compact set of parameters at fixed scales. The proof is combinato...

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Sumset and Inverse Sumset Inequalities for Differential Entropy and Mutual Information

June 3, 2012

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Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Mokshay Madiman
Information Theory
Information Theory

The sumset and inverse sumset theories of Freiman, Pl\"{u}nnecke and Ruzsa, give bounds connecting the cardinality of the sumset $A+B=\{a+b\;;\;a\in A,\,b\in B\}$ of two discrete sets $A,B$, to the cardinalities (or the finer structure) of the original sets $A,B$. For example, the sum-difference bound of Ruzsa states that, $|A+B|\,|A|\,|B|\leq|A-B|^3$, where the difference set $A-B= \{a-b\;;\;a\in A,\,b\in B\}$. Interpreting the differential entropy $h(X)$ of a continuous ran...

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Small doubling in groups

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Emmanuel Breuillard, Ben Green, Terence Tao
Number Theory

Let A be a subset of a group G = (G,.). We will survey the theory of sets A with the property that |A.A| <= K|A|, where A.A = {a_1 a_2 : a_1, a_2 in A}. The case G = (Z,+) is the famous Freiman--Ruzsa theorem.

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On sets with small sumset in the circle

September 13, 2017

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Pablo Candela, Roton Anne de
Number Theory

We prove results on the structure of a subset of the circle group having positive inner Haar measure and doubling constant close to the minimum. These results go toward a continuous analogue in the circle of Freiman's $3k-4$ theorem from the integer setting. An analogue of this theorem in $\mathbb{Z}_p$ has been pursued extensively, and we use some recent results in this direction. For instance, obtaining a continuous analogue of a result of Serra and Z\'emor, we prove that i...

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On the number of sets with a given doubling constant

November 13, 2018

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Marcelo Soares Campos
Number Theory

We study the number of $s$-element subsets $J$ of a given abelian group $G$, such that $|J+J|\leq K|J|$. Proving a conjecture of Alon, Balogh, Morris and Samotij, and improving a result of Green and Morris, who proved the conjecture for $K$ fixed, we provide an upper bound on the number of such sets which is tight up to a factor of $2^{o(s)},$ when $G=\mathbb{Z}$ and $K=o(s/(\log n)^3)$. We also provide a generalization of this result to arbitrary abelian groups which is tigh...

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On iterated product sets with shifts II

June 5, 2018

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Brandon Hanson, Oliver Roche-Newton, Dmitrii Zhelezov
Number Theory
Classical Analysis and ODEs

The main result of this paper is the following: for all $b \in \mathbb Z$ there exists $k=k(b)$ such that \[ \max \{ |A^{(k)}|, |(A+u)^{(k)}| \} \geq |A|^b, \] for any finite $A \subset \mathbb Q$ and any non-zero $u \in \mathbb Q$. Here, $|A^{(k)}|$ denotes the $k$-fold product set $\{a_1\cdots a_k : a_1, \dots, a_k \in A \}$. Furthermore, our method of proof also gives the following $l_{\infty}$ sum-product estimate. For all $\gamma >0$ there exists a constant $C=C(\gamma...

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Random sum-free subsets of Abelian groups

March 10, 2011

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József Balogh, Robert Morris, Wojciech Samotij
Group Theory

We characterize the structure of maximum-size sum-free subsets of a random subset of an Abelian group $G$. In particular, we determine the threshold $p_c \approx \sqrt{\log n / n}$ above which, with high probability as $|G| \to \infty$, each such subset is contained in a maximum-size sum-free subset of $G$, whenever $q$ divides $|G|$ for some (fixed) prime $q$ with $q \equiv 2 \pmod 3$. Moreover, in the special case $G = \ZZ_{2n}$, we determine a sharp threshold for the above...

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