June 30, 2023
Similar papers 2
September 8, 2022
We show that the phase structure of certain staggered fermion theories can be understood on the basis of exact anomalies. These anomalies arise when staggered fermions are coupled to gravity which can be accomplished by replacing them by discrete K\"{a}hler-Dirac fermions. We first show the existence of a perturbative anomaly in even dimensions which breaks an exact $U(1)$ symmetry of the massless theory down to $Z_4$. If we attempt to gauge this $Z_4$ symmetry we find a 't H...
June 30, 2022
A lattice symmetry, if being nonsymmorphic, is defined by combining a point group symmetry with a fractional lattice translation that cannot be removed by changing the lattice origin. Nonsymmorphic symmetry has a substantial influence on both the connectivity and topological properties of electronic band structures in solid-state quantum materials. In this article, we review how nonsymmorphic crystalline symmetries can drive and further protect the emergence of exotic fermion...
July 1, 2020
Symmetry is fundamental to topological phases. In the presence of a gauge field, spatial symmetries will be projectively represented, which may alter their algebraic structure and generate novel topological phases. We show that the $\mathbb{Z}_2$ projectively represented translational symmetry operators adopt a distinct commutation relation, and become momentum dependent analogous to twofold nonsymmorphic symmetries. Combined with other internal or external symmetries, they g...
November 1, 2018
The classification and lattice model construction of symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases in interacting fermion systems are very interesting but challenging. In this paper, we give a systematic fixed point wave function construction of fermionic SPT (FSPT) states for generic fermionic symmetry group $G_f=\mathbb{Z}_2^f \times_{\omega_2} G_b$ which is a central extension of bosonic symmetry group $G_b$ (may contain time reversal symmetry) by the fermion parity symmetry...
April 13, 2016
The underlying Dirac point is central to the profound physics manifested in a wide class of materials. However, it is often difficult to drive a system with Dirac points across the massless fermionic critical point. Here by exploiting screening of local moments under spin-orbit interactions in a Kondo lattice, we show that below the Kondo temperature, the Kondo lattice undergoes a topological transition from a strong topological insulator to a weak topological insulator at a ...
November 2, 2022
Where in the landscape of many-body phases of matter do we place the Higgs condensate of a gauge theory? On the one hand, the Higgs phase is gapped, has no local order parameter, and for fundamental Higgs fields is adiabatically connected to the confined phase. On the other hand, Higgs phases such as superconductors display rich phenomenology. In this work, we propose a minimal description of the Higgs phase as a symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase, utilizing conventio...
January 5, 2013
Symmetry protected topological (SPT) states are bulk gapped states with gapless edge excitations protected by certain symmetries. The SPT phases in free fermion systems, like topological insulators, can be classified by the K-theory. However, it is not known what SPT phases exist in general interacting systems. In this paper, we present a systematic way to construct SPT phases in interacting bosonic systems, which allows us to identify many new SPT phases, including three bos...
October 28, 2022
Symmetric mass generation is a novel mechanism to give gapless fermions a mass gap by non-perturbative interactions without generating any fermion bilinear condensation. The previous studies of symmetric mass generation have been limited to Dirac/Weyl/Majorana fermions with zero Fermi volume in the free fermion limit. In this work, we generalize the concept of symmetric mass generation to Fermi liquid with a finite Fermi volume and discuss how to gap out the Fermi surfaces by...
April 1, 2024
In this thesis, we consider fermion systems on square lattice spaces with a curved domain-wall mass term. In a similar way to the flat case, we find massless and chiral states localized at the wall. In the case of $S^1$ and $S^2$ domain-wall embedded into a square lattice, we find that these edge states feel gravity through the induced spin connection. In the conventional continuum limit of the higher dimensional lattice, we find a good consistency with the analytic results i...
April 13, 2022
We present a simplified way to access and manipulate the topology of massive Dirac fermions by means of scalar potential. We show systematically how a distribution of scalar potential can manipulate the signature of the gap or the mass term as well as the dispersion leading to a band inversion via inverse Klein tunnelling. In one dimension it can lead to the formation of edge localisation. In two dimensions this can give rise to an emergent mechanism, which we refer to as the...