ID: 2311.14187

On $\beta$-function of $N=2$ supersymmetric integrable sigma-models

November 23, 2023

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Mikhail Alfimov, Ivan Kalinichenko, Alexey Litvinov
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study regularization scheme dependence of K\"ahler ($N=2$) supersymmetric sigma models. At the one-loop order the metric $\beta$ function is the same as in non-supersymmetric case and coincides with the Ricci tensor. First correction in MS scheme is known to appear in the fourth loop. We show that for certain integrable K\"ahler backgrounds, such as complete $T-$dual of $\eta$-deformed $\mathbb{CP}(n)$ sigma models, there is a scheme in which the fourth loop contribution vanishes.

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