March 14, 2024
Similar papers 2
October 29, 2019
With a view toward a fracton theory in condensed matter, we introduce a higher-moment polynomial degree-p global symmetry, acting on complex scalar/vector/tensor fields (e.g., ordinary or vector global symmetry for p$=0$ and p$=1$ respectively). We relate this higher-moment global symmetry of $n$-dimensional space, to a lower degree (either ordinary or higher-moment, e.g., degree-(p-$\ell$)) subdimensional or subsystem global symmetry on layers of $(n-\ell)$-submanifolds. The...
January 5, 2018
Symmetry fractionalization (SF) on topological excitations is one of the most remarkable quantum phenomena in topological orders with symmetry, i.e., symmetry-enriched topological phases. While much progress has been theoretically and experimentally made in 2D, the understanding on SF in 3D is far from complete. A long-standing challenge is to understand SF on looplike topological excitations which are spatially extended objects. In this work, we construct a powerful topologi...
April 25, 2023
Fracton phases of matter are gapped phases of matter that, by dint of their sensitivity to UV data, demand non-standard quantum field theories to describe them in the IR. Two such approaches are foliated quantum theory and exotic field theory. In this paper, we explicitly construct a map from one to the other and work out several examples. In particular, we recover the equivalence between the foliated and exotic fractonic BF theories recently demonstrated at the level of oper...
October 16, 2014
We examine the interplay of symmetry and topological order in $2+1$ dimensional topological phases of matter. We present a definition of the \it topological symmetry \rm group, which characterizes the symmetry of the emergent topological quantum numbers of a topological phase, and we describe its relation with the microscopic symmetry of the underlying physical system. We derive a general framework to characterize and classify symmetry fractionalization in topological phases,...
August 10, 2020
We introduce a new kind of foliated quantum field theory (FQFT) of gapped fracton orders in the continuum. FQFT is defined on a manifold with a layered structure given by one or more foliations, which each decompose spacetime into a stack of layers. FQFT involves a new kind of gauge field, a foliated gauge field, which behaves similar to a collection of independent gauge fields on this stack of layers. Gauge invariant operators (and their analogous particle mobilities) are co...
September 22, 2021
We develop a systematic theory of symmetry fractionalization for fermionic topological phases of matter in (2+1)D with a general fermionic symmetry group $G_f$. In general $G_f$ is a central extension of the bosonic symmetry group $G_b$ by fermion parity, $(-1)^F$, characterized by a non-trivial cohomology class $[\omega_2] \in \mathcal{H}^2(G_b, \mathbb{Z}_2)$. We show how the presence of local fermions places a number of constraints on the algebraic data that defines the ac...
December 26, 2022
We study various non-relativistic field theories with exotic symmetries called subsystem symmetries, which have recently attracted much attention in the context of fractons. We start with a scalar theory called $\phi$-theory in $d+1$ dimensions and discuss its properties studied in literature for $d\leq 3$ such as self-duality, vacuum structure, 't Hooft anomaly, anomaly inflow and lattice regularization. Next we study a theory called chiral $\phi$-theory which is an analogue...
May 19, 2021
We investigate the properties of foliated gauge fields and construct several foliated field theories in 3+1d that describe foliated fracton orders both with and without matter, including the recent hybrid fracton models. These field theories describe Abelian or non-Abelian gauge theories coupled to foliated gauge fields, and they fall into two classes of models that we call the electric models and the magnetic models. We show that these two classes of foliated field theories ...
February 19, 2024
Topological defects and operators give a far-reaching generalization of symmetries of quantum fields. An auxiliary topological field theory in one dimension higher than the QFT of interest, known as the SymTFT, provides a natural way for capturing such operators. This gives a new perspective on several applications of symmetries, but fails to capture continuous non-Abelian symmetries. The main aim of this work is to fill this gap. Guided by geometric engineering and holograph...
August 21, 2013
We show that a large class of symmetry enriched (topological) phases of matter in 2+1 dimensions can be embedded in "larger" topological phases- phases describable by larger hidden Hopf symmetries. Such an embedding is analogous to anyon condensation, although no physical condensation actually occurs. This generalizes the Landau-Ginzburg paradigm of symmetry breaking from continuous groups to quantum groups- in fact algebras- and offers a potential classification of the symme...