ID: 2403.18523

Exact Solution of Bipartite Fluctuations in One-Dimensional Fermions

March 27, 2024

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Kazuya Fujimoto, Tomohiro Sasamoto
Condensed Matter
Quantum Physics
Quantum Gases
Statistical Mechanics

Emergence of hydrodynamics in quantum many-body systems has recently garnered growing interest. The recent experiment of ultracold atoms [J. F. Wienand {\it et al.}, arXiv:2306.11457] studied emergent hydrodynamics in hard-core bosons using a bipartite fluctuation, which quantifies how the particle number fluctuates in a subsystem. In this Letter, we theoretically study the variance of a bipartite fluctuation in one-dimensional noninteracting fermionic dynamics starting from an alternating state, deriving the exact solution of the variance and its asymptotic linear growth law for the long-time dynamics. To compare the theoretical prediction with the experiment, we generalize our exact solution by incorporating the incompleteness of the initial alternating state, deriving the general linear growth law analytically. We find that it shows quantitative agreement with the experimentally observed variance growth without any fitting parameters.

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