ID: 2404.06881

A note on "Exact Solution of Bipartite Fluctuations in One-Dimensional Fermions"

April 10, 2024

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Exact confirmation of 1D nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics for a two-species exclusion process

March 19, 2018

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Zeying Chen, Gier Jan de, ... , Sasamoto Tomohiro
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics

We consider current statistics for a two species exclusion process of particles hopping in opposite directions on a one-dimensional lattice. We derive an exact formula for the Green's function as well as for a joint current distribution of the model, and study its long time behavior. For a step type initial condition, we show that the limiting distribution is a product of the Gaussian and the GUE Tracy-Widom distribution. This is the first analytic confirmation for a multi-co...

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Full counting statistics for noninteracting fermions: Exact finite temperature results and generalized long time approximation

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K. Schönhammer
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

Exact numerical results for the full counting statistics (FCS) of a one-dimensional tight-binding model of noninteracting electrons are presented at finite temperatures using an identity recently presented by Abanov and Ivanov. A similar idea is used to derive a new expression for the cumulant generating function for a system consisting of two quasi-one-dimensional leads connected by a quantum dot in the long time limit. This provides a generalization of the Levitov-Lesovik f...

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Thermal and Quantum Fluctuations around Domain Walls

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We compute thermal and quantum fluctuations in the background of a domain wall in a scalar field theory at finite temperature using the exact scalar propagator in the subspace orthogonal to the wall's translational mode. The propagator makes it possible to calculate terms of any order in the semiclassical expansion of the partition function of the system. The leading term in the expansion corresponds to the fluctuation determinant, which we compute for arbitrary temperature i...

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Exact Solution of an Irreversible One-Dimensional Model with Fully Biased Spin Exchanges

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Antonio M. R. Clarkson University, USA Cadilhe, Vladimir Clarkson University, USA Privman
Condensed Matter

We introduce a model with conserved dynamics, where nearest neighbor pairs of spins $\uparrow \downarrow (\downarrow \uparrow)$ can exchange to assume the configuration $\downarrow \uparrow (\uparrow \downarrow)$, with rate $\beta (\alpha)$, through energy decreasing moves only. We report exact solution for the case when one of the rates, $\alpha$ or $\beta$, is zero. The irreversibility of such dynamics results in strong dependence on the initial conditions. Domain wall argu...

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Fractional Fermion Number and Hall Conductivity of Domain Walls

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J. Mateos Guilarte, Dmitri Vassilevich
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

In this letter the fractional fermion number of thick domain walls is computed. The analysis is achieved by developing the heat kernel expansion of the spectral eta functon of the Dirac Hamiltonian governing the fermionic fluctuations around the domain wall. A formula is derived showing that a non null fermion number is always accompanied by a Hall conductivity induced on the wall. In the limit of thin and impenetrable walls the chiral bag boundary conditions arise, and the H...

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Full counting statistics for noninteracting fermions: Exact results and the Levitov-Lesovik formula

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K. Schoenhammer
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

Exact numerical results for the full counting statistics (FCS) for a one-dimensional tight-binding model of noninteracting electrons are presented without using an idealized measuring device. The two initially separate subsystems are connected at t=0 and the exact time evolution for the large but finite combined system is obtained numerically. At zero temperature the trace formula derived by Klich is used to to calculate the FCS via a finite dimensional determinant. Even for ...

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Fermionic full counting statistics with smooth boundaries: from discrete particles to bosonization

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Dmitri A. Ivanov, Ivan P. Levkivskyi
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Mathematical Physics

We revisit the problem of full counting statistics of particles on a segment of a one-dimensional gas of free fermions. Using a combination of analytical and numerical methods, we study the crossover between the counting of discrete particles and of the continuous particle density as a function of smoothing in the counting procedure. In the discrete-particle limit, the result is given by the Fisher--Hartwig expansion for Toeplitz determinants, while in the continuous limit we...

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Statistical Mechanics
Quantum Gases
Mathematical Physics

We study $N$ noninteracting fermions in a domain bounded by a hard wall potential in $d \geq 1$ dimensions. We show that for large $N$, the correlations at the edge of the Fermi gas (near the wall) at zero temperature are described by a universal kernel, different from the universal edge kernel valid for smooth potentials. We compute this $d$ dimensional hard edge kernel exactly for a spherical domain and argue, using a generalized method of images, that it holds close to any...

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A Two Dimensional Fermi Liquid. Part 1: Overview

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Joel Feldman, Horst Knoerrer, Eugene Trubowitz
Mathematical Physics

In a series of ten papers, of which this is the first, we prove that the temperature zero renormalized perturbation expansions of a class of interacting many-fermion models in two space dimensions have nonzero radius of convergence. The models have "asymmetric" Fermi surfaces and short range interactions. One consequence of the convergence of the perturbation expansions is the existence of a discontinuity in the particle number density at the Fermi surface. Here, we present a...

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Quantum fluctuations of one-dimensional free fermions and Fisher-Hartwig formula for Toeplitz determinants

August 5, 2011

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Alexander G. Abanov, Dmitri A. Ivanov, Yachao Qian
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics

We revisit the problem of finding the probability distribution of a fermionic number of one-dimensional spinless free fermions on a segment of a given length. The generating function for this probability distribution can be expressed as a determinant of a Toeplitz matrix. We use the recently proven generalized Fisher--Hartwig conjecture on the asymptotic behavior of such determinants to find the generating function for the full counting statistics of fermions on a line segmen...

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