May 3, 2024
A given subset $A$ of natural numbers is said to be complete if every element of $\N$ is the sum of distinct terms taken from $A$. This topic is strongly connected to the knapsack problem which is known to be NP complete. The main goal of the paper is to study the structure of subset sums in a higher dimension. We show 'dense' sets and generalized arithmetic progrssions in subset sums of certain sets.
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April 4, 2023
A given subset $A$ of natural numbers is said to be complete if every element of $\mathbb{N}$ is the sum of distinct terms taken from $A$. This topic is strongly connected to the knapsack problem which is known to be NP complete. Interestingly if $A$ and $B$ are complete sequences then $A\times B$ is not necessarily complete in $\mathbb{N}^2$. In this paper we consider a modular version of this problem, motivated by the communication complexity problem of [2].
February 5, 2024
Let $A$ be a set of natural numbers. A set $B$, a set of natural numbers, is said to be an additive complement of the set $A$ if all sufficiently large natural numbers can be represented in the form $x+y$, where $x\in A$ and $y\in B$. This article describes various types of additive complements of the set $A$ such as those additive complement of $A$ that does not intersects $A$, additive complements of the form of the union of disjoint infinite arithmetic progressions, additi...
April 30, 2021
We develop novel techniques which allow us to prove a diverse range of results relating to subset sums and complete sequences of positive integers, including solutions to several longstanding open problems. These include: solutions to the three problems of Burr and Erd\H{o}s on Ramsey complete sequences, for which Erd\H{o}s later offered a combined total of \$350; analogous results for the new notion of density complete sequences; the solution to a conjecture of Alon and Erd\...
January 20, 2004
In this paper we give a very elementary proof that if A and B are subsets of {1,2,...,N}, each having at least 5N^{1 - (4(k-1))^{-1}} elements, then the sumset A+B has a k-term arithmetic progression.
February 7, 2019
In this paper some links between the density of a set of integers and the density of its sumset, product set and set of subset sums are presented.
January 13, 2024
Let $A$ and $H$ be nonempty finite sets of integers and positive integers, respectively. The generalized $H$-fold sumset, denoted by $H^{(r)}A$, is the union of the sumsets $h^{(r)}A$ for $h\in H$ where, the sumset $h^{(r)}A$ is the set of all integers that can be represented as a sum of $h$ elements from $A$ with no summand in the representation appearing more than $r$ times. In this paper, we find the optimal lower bound for the cardinality of $H^{(r)}A$, i.e., for $|H^{(r)...
March 15, 2021
The original knapsack problem is well known to be NP-complete. In a multidimensional version one have to decide whether a $p\in \N^k$ is in a sumset-sum of a set $X \subseteq \N^k$ or not. In this paper we are going to investigate a communication complexity problem related to this.
May 21, 2020
Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a finite set of integers, and let $h\mathcal{A}$ denote the $h$-fold sumset of $\mathcal{A}$. Let $(h\mathcal{A})^{(t)}$ be subset of $h\mathcal{A}$ consisting of all integers that have at least $t$ representations as a sum of $h$ elements of $\mathcal{A}$. The structure of the set $(h\mathcal{A})^{(t)}$ is completely determined for all $h \geq h_t$.
October 27, 2023
This is a survey of old and new problems and results in additive number theory.
November 10, 2023
In contrast to finite arithmetic configurations, relatively little is known about which infinite patterns can be found in every set of natural numbers with positive density. Building on recent advances showing infinite sumsets can be found, we explore numerous open problems and obstructions to finding other infinite configurations in every set of natural numbers with positive density.