July 29, 2024
Similar papers 2
October 31, 2022
We study the perturbative quantization of gauge theories and gravity. Our investigations start with the geometry of spacetimes and particle fields. Then we discuss the various Lagrange densities of (effective) Quantum General Relativity coupled to the Standard Model. In addition, we study the corresponding BRST double complex of diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations. Next we apply Connes--Kreimer renormalization theory to the perturbative Feynman graph expansion: In this ...
October 21, 2009
We present strong arguments that the deep structure of the quantum vacuum contains a web of microscopic wormholes or short-cuts. We develop the concept of wormhole spaces and show that this web of wormholes generate a peculiar array of long-range correlations in the patterns of vacuum fluctuations on the Planck scale. We conclude that this translocal structure represents the common cause for both the BH-entropy-area law, the more general holographic principle and the entangle...
May 5, 2021
We study the role of ensemble averaging in holography by exploring the relation between the universal late time behavior of the spectral form factor and the second Renyi entropy of a thermal mixed state of the doubled system. Both quantities receive contributions from wormhole saddle-points: in the former case they lead to non-factorization while in the latter context they quantify decoherence due to the interaction with an environment. Our reasoning indicates that the space-...
January 2, 2021
We show that in a two-dimensional model of quantum gravity the summation over all possible wormhole configurations leads to a kind of Coleman mechanism where the cosmological constant plays no role for large universes. Observers who are unable to observe the change in topology will naturally interpret the measurements of the size of the universe as being caused by a fluctuating cosmological constant, rather than fluctuating topology of spacetime.
November 18, 2020
We show that the presence of replica wormholes in the Euclidean path integral of gravity leads to a non-perturbative violation of charge conservation for any global symmetry present in the low-energy description of quantum gravity. Explicitly, we compute the scattering probability between different charged states in several two-dimensional models of quantum gravity and find a non-vanishing answer. This suggests that the set of all charged states is typically over-complete, wh...
May 5, 2021
We introduce a geometric path integral definition of wormhole partition functions in a general class of 1D quantum systems obtained by quantizing a phase space. We compute the wormhole partition function in a semi-classical limit and in some simple examples. The partition function of the n-fold wormhole is found to be identical to the n-th Renyi entropy of a thermal mixed state of the doubled system. This mixed state incorporates three types of quantum statistical behavior: c...
April 7, 1994
The canonical theory of quantum gravity in the loop representation can be extended to incorporate topology change, in the simple case that this refers to the creation or annihilation of "minimalist wormholes" in which two points of the spatial manifold are identified. Furthermore, if the states of the wormholes threaded by loop states are taken to be antisymmetrized under the permutation of wormhole mouths, as required by the relation between spin and statistics, then the qua...
June 6, 2024
In AdS/CFT, two-sided black holes are described by states in the tensor product of two Hilbert spaces associated with the two asymptotic boundaries of the spacetime. Understanding how such a tensor product arises from the bulk perspective is an important open problem in holography, known as the factorisation puzzle. In this paper, we show how the Hilbert space of bulk states factorises due to non-perturbative contributions of spacetime wormholes: the trace over two-sided stat...
June 3, 1996
It is argued that quantum gravity has an interpretation as a topological field theory provided a certain constraint from the path intergral measure is respected. The constraint forces us to couple gauge and matter fields to gravity for space - time dimensions different from 3. We then discuss possible models which may be relevant to our universe.
July 6, 2023
Four-dimensional all-loop amplitudes in QED and gravity exhibit universal Infrared (IR) singularities with a factorization structure. This structure is governed by tree amplitudes and a universal IR-divergent factor representing the exchange of soft particles between external lines. This letter offers a precise dual interpretation of these universal IR-divergent factors within celestial holography. Considering the tree amplitude as the foundation of the celestial conformal fi...