September 3, 2024
Similar papers 2
October 31, 2016
Four fermion interactions appear in many models of Beyond Standard Model physics. In Technicolour and composite Higgs models Standard Model fermion masses can be generated by four fermion terms. They are also expected to modify the dynamics of the new strongly interacting sector. In particular in technicolour models it has been suggested that they can be used to break infrared conformality and produce a walking theory with a large mass anomalous dimension. We study the SU(2) ...
April 29, 2009
We discuss the existence of a conformal phase in SU(N) gauge theories in four dimensions. In this lattice study we explore the model in the bare parameter space, varying the lattice coupling and bare mass. Simulations are carried out with three colors and twelve flavors of dynamical staggered fermions in the fundamental representation. The analysis of the chiral order parameter and the mass spectrum of the theory indicates the restoration of chiral symmetry at zero temperatur...
May 25, 2017
Massless 2+1D Dirac fermions arise in a variety of systems from graphene to the surfaces of topological insulators, where generating a mass is typically associated with breaking a symmetry. However, with strong interactions, a symmetric gapped phase can arise for multiples of eight Dirac fermions. A continuous quantum phase transition from the massless Dirac phase to this massive phase, which we term Symmetric Mass Generation (SMG), is necessarily beyond the Landau paradigm a...
June 29, 2015
We present new lattice investigations of finite-temperature transitions for SU(3) gauge theory with Nf=8 light flavors. Using nHYP-smeared staggered fermions we are able to explore renormalized couplings $g^2 \lesssim 20$ on lattice volumes as large as $48^3 \times 24$. Finite-temperature transitions at non-zero fermion mass do not persist in the chiral limit, instead running into a strongly coupled lattice phase as the mass decreases. That is, finite-temperature studies with...
July 22, 2024
Gauge theories with matter fields in various representations play an important role in different branches of physics. Recently, it was proposed that several aspects of the interesting pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors near optimal doping may be explained by an emergent $SU(2)$ gauge symmetry. Around the transition with positive hole-doping, one can construct a $(2+1)-$dimensional $SU(2)$ gauge theory coupled to four adjoint scalar fields which gives rise to a rich ph...
November 29, 2015
Using a simple three dimensional lattice four-fermion model we argue that massless fermions can become massive due to interactions without the need for any spontaneous symmetry breaking. Using large scale Monte Carlo calculations within our model, we show that this non-traditional mass generation mechanism occurs at a second order quantum critical point that separates phases with the same symmetries. Universality then suggests that the new origin for the fermion mass should b...
January 10, 2012
We study the SU(2) gauge theory on the lattice with different numbers of fermions in the fundamental representation of the gauge group to explore the gauge theory phase diagram. We find evidence for an infrared fixed point for ten flavors. The theory with six flavors shows behaviors compatible with the existence of a (quasi) stable fixed point, but the large errors in the present data do not allow for decisive confirmation of this.
October 23, 2014
We study a lattice field theory model containing two flavors of massless staggered fermions with an onsite four-fermion interaction. The model contains a $SU(4)$ symmetry which forbids non-zero fermion bilinear mass terms, due to which there is a massless fermion phase at weak couplings. However, even at strong couplings fermion bilinear condensates do not appear in our model, although fermions do become massive. While the existence of this exotic strongly coupled massive fer...
October 14, 2018
We explore the phase structure of a four dimensional $SO(4)$ invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model comprising four reduced staggered fermions interacting with a real scalar field. The fermions belong to the fundamental representation of the symmetry group while the three scalar field components transform in the self-dual representation of $SO(4)$. The model is a generalization of a four fermion system with the same symmetries that has received recent attention because of its u...
January 31, 2020
We investigate the phase structure of a four dimensional SO(4) invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model comprising four reduced staggered fermions interacting with a real scalar field. The fermions belong to the fundamental representation of the symmetry group while the three scalar field components transform in the self-dual representation of SO(4). We explore the phase diagram and find evidence of a continuous transition between a phase where the fermions are massless to one wh...