December 27, 2024
Similar papers 2
May 25, 2017
Massless 2+1D Dirac fermions arise in a variety of systems from graphene to the surfaces of topological insulators, where generating a mass is typically associated with breaking a symmetry. However, with strong interactions, a symmetric gapped phase can arise for multiples of eight Dirac fermions. A continuous quantum phase transition from the massless Dirac phase to this massive phase, which we term Symmetric Mass Generation (SMG), is necessarily beyond the Landau paradigm a...
January 18, 2025
We review the shift and time reversal symmetries of Hamiltonian staggered fermions and their connection to continuum symmetries concentrating in particular on the case of massless fermions and (3+1) dimensions. We construct operators using the staggered fields that implement these symmetries on finite lattices. We show that the elementary shift symmetry of a single staggered field depends on a $Z_4$ subgroup of an additional $U(1)$ phase symmetry and anti-commutes with time r...
February 24, 2023
We propose that the Fermi surface anomaly of symmetry group $G$ in any dimension is universally classified by $G$-symmetric interacting fermionic symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases in $(0+1)$-dimensional spacetime. The argument is based on the perspective that the gapless fermions on the Fermi surface can be viewed as the topological boundary modes of Chern insulators in the phase space (position-momentum space). Given the non-commutative nature of the phase space co...
September 8, 2022
We show that the phase structure of certain staggered fermion theories can be understood on the basis of exact anomalies. These anomalies arise when staggered fermions are coupled to gravity which can be accomplished by replacing them by discrete K\"{a}hler-Dirac fermions. We first show the existence of a perturbative anomaly in even dimensions which breaks an exact $U(1)$ symmetry of the massless theory down to $Z_4$. If we attempt to gauge this $Z_4$ symmetry we find a 't H...
August 12, 2013
The existence of three generations of neutrinos(charged leptons/quarks) and their mass mixing are deep mysteries of our universe. Recently, Majorana's spirit returns in modern condensed matter physics -- in the context of topological Majorana zero modes in certain classes of topological superconductors(TSCs). In this paper, we attempt to investigate the topological nature of the neutrino by assuming that a relativistic Majorana fermion can be divided into four topological Maj...
October 28, 2022
Symmetric mass generation is a novel mechanism to give gapless fermions a mass gap by non-perturbative interactions without generating any fermion bilinear condensation. The previous studies of symmetric mass generation have been limited to Dirac/Weyl/Majorana fermions with zero Fermi volume in the free fermion limit. In this work, we generalize the concept of symmetric mass generation to Fermi liquid with a finite Fermi volume and discuss how to gap out the Fermi surfaces by...
November 29, 2015
Using a simple three dimensional lattice four-fermion model we argue that massless fermions can become massive due to interactions without the need for any spontaneous symmetry breaking. Using large scale Monte Carlo calculations within our model, we show that this non-traditional mass generation mechanism occurs at a second order quantum critical point that separates phases with the same symmetries. Universality then suggests that the new origin for the fermion mass should b...
March 20, 2014
The boundary of symmetry-protected topological states (SPTs) can harbor new quantum anomaly phenomena. In this work, we characterize the bosonic anomalies introduced by the 1+1D non-onsite-symmetric gapless edge modes of 2+1D bulk bosonic SPTs with a generic finite Abelian group symmetry (isomorphic to $G=\prod_i Z_{N_i}=Z_{N_1} \times Z_{N_2} \times Z_{N_3} \times ...$). We demonstrate that some classes of SPTs (termed "Type II") trap fractional quantum numbers (such as frac...
November 2, 2017
The bosonic topological transition (BTT) is a quantum critical point between the bosonic symmetry protected topological phase and the trivial phase. In this work, we derive a description of this transition in terms of compact quantum electrodynamics (QED) with four fermion flavors ($N_f=4$). This allows us to describe the transition in a lattice model with the maximal microscopic symmetry: an internal SO(4) symmetry. Within a systematic renormalization group analysis, we iden...
March 28, 2016
We study a lattice model of interacting Dirac fermions in $(2+1)$ dimension space-time with an SU(4) symmetry. While increasing interaction strength, this model undergoes a {\it continuous} quantum phase transition from the weakly interacting Dirac semimetal to a fully gapped and nondegenerate phase without condensing any Dirac fermion bilinear mass operator. This unusual mechanism for mass generation is consistent with recent studies of interacting topological insulators/sup...