ID: 2501.10837

Staggered Fermions with Chiral Anomaly Cancellation

January 18, 2025

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Symmetries and Anomalies of Hamiltonian Staggered Fermions

January 18, 2025

85% Match
Simon Catterall, Arnab Pradhan
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Theory

We review the shift and time reversal symmetries of Hamiltonian staggered fermions and their connection to continuum symmetries concentrating in particular on the case of massless fermions and (3+1) dimensions. We construct operators using the staggered fields that implement these symmetries on finite lattices. We show that the elementary shift symmetry of a single staggered field depends on a $Z_4$ subgroup of an additional $U(1)$ phase symmetry and anti-commutes with time r...

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A Solution to the 1+1D Gauged Chiral Fermion Problem

July 16, 2018

84% Match
Juven Wang, Xiao-Gang Wen
Strongly Correlated Electron...

We show that the 3450 U(1) chiral fermion theory can appear as the low energy effective field theory of a 1+1D local lattice model, with an on-site U(1) symmetry and finite-range interactions. The on-site U(1) symmetry means that the U(1) symmetry can be gauged (gaugeable for both background probe and dynamical fields), which leads to a non-perturbative definition of chiral gauge theory --- a chiral fermion theory coupled to U(1) gauge theory. Our construction can be generali...

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Lattice Chiral Fermion without Hermiticity

November 15, 2024

84% Match
Chen-Te Ma, Hui Zhang
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

Our review of the lattice chiral fermion delves into some critical areas of lattice field theory. By abandoning Hermiticity, the non-Hermitian formulation circumvents the Nielsen-Ninomiya theorem while maintaining chiral symmetry, a novel approach. Comparing the Wilson and overlap fermions gives insight into how lattice formulations handle chiral symmetry. The Wilson fermion explicitly breaks chiral symmetry to eliminate doublers. In contrast, the overlap fermion restores a m...

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Symmetric Mass Generation in the 1+1 Dimensional Chiral Fermion 3-4-5-0 Model

February 24, 2022

84% Match
Meng Zeng, Zheng Zhu, ... , You Yi-Zhuang
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Lattice regularization of chiral fermions has been a long-standing problem in physics. In this work, we present the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulation of the 3-4-5-0 model of (1+1)D chiral fermions with an anomaly-free chiral U(1) symmetry, which contains two left-moving and two right-moving fermions carrying U(1) charges 3,4 and 5,0, respectively. Following the Wang-Wen chiral fermion model, we realize the chiral fermions and their mirror partners on the ...

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Chiral Lattice Fermions, Minimal Doubling, and the Axial Anomaly

June 1, 2010

84% Match
Brian C. Tiburzi
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Phenom...
Nuclear Theory

Exact chiral symmetry at finite lattice spacing would preclude the axial anomaly. In order to describe a continuum quantum field theory of Dirac fermions, lattice actions with purported exact chiral symmetry must break the flavor-singlet axial symmetry. We demonstrate that this is indeed the case by using a minimally doubled fermion action. For simplicity we consider the Abelian axial anomaly in two dimensions. At finite lattice spacing and with gauge interactions, the axial ...

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A Lattice Chiral Boson Theory in $1+1$d

May 4, 2023

84% Match
Michael DeMarco, Ethan Lake, Xiao-Gang Wen
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Chiral field theories describe large classes of matter, from the edges of Quantum Hall systems to the electroweak sector of the Standard Model, but defining them on the lattice has been an ongoing challenge due to a no-go theorem precluding free local models, the potential of symmetry anomalies, and sign problems. Some approaches define a $1+1$d chiral field theory as the edge of a $2+1$d system and argue that the edge decouples from the bulk, but this can be difficult to ver...

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Fermi Surface Symmetric Mass Generation

October 28, 2022

84% Match
Da-Chuan Lu, Meng Zeng, ... , You Yi-Zhuang
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Symmetric mass generation is a novel mechanism to give gapless fermions a mass gap by non-perturbative interactions without generating any fermion bilinear condensation. The previous studies of symmetric mass generation have been limited to Dirac/Weyl/Majorana fermions with zero Fermi volume in the free fermion limit. In this work, we generalize the concept of symmetric mass generation to Fermi liquid with a finite Fermi volume and discuss how to gap out the Fermi surfaces by...

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't Hooft anomalies for staggered fermions

September 8, 2022

84% Match
Simon Catterall
Strongly Correlated Electron...

We show that the phase structure of certain staggered fermion theories can be understood on the basis of exact anomalies. These anomalies arise when staggered fermions are coupled to gravity which can be accomplished by replacing them by discrete K\"{a}hler-Dirac fermions. We first show the existence of a perturbative anomaly in even dimensions which breaks an exact $U(1)$ symmetry of the massless theory down to $Z_4$. If we attempt to gauge this $Z_4$ symmetry we find a 't H...

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Chiral anomalies and rooted staggered fermions

January 22, 2007

84% Match
Michael Creutz
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

A popular approximation in lattice gauge theory is an extrapolation in the number of fermion species away from the four fold degeneracy natural with the staggered fermion formulation. I show that the extrapolation procedure mutilates the expected continuum holomorphic behavior in the quark masses. The conventional resolution proposes canceling the unphysical singularities with a plethora of extra states appearing at finite lattice spacing. This unproven conjecture requires an...

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The axial anomaly in lattice QED. A universal point of view

March 1, 1999

84% Match
T. Reisz, H. J. Rothe
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

We give a perturbative proof that U(1) lattice gauge theories generate the axial anomaly in the continuum limit under very general conditions on the lattice Dirac operator. These conditions are locality, gauge covariance and the absense of species doubling. They hold for Wilson fermions as well as for realizations of the Dirac operator that satisfy the Ginsparg-Wilson relation. The proof is based on the lattice power counting theorem.

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