December 16, 1999
Similar papers 2
January 8, 2003
The population is composed of individuals characterised by their genetic strings, phenotypes and ages. We discuss the influence of probabilities of survival of the individuals on the dynamics and phenotypic variability of the population. We show that constant survival probabilities of individuals are propitious for preserving phenotypic variability of the population. For constant survival probabilities oscillations of 'the average fitness' of the population and normal distr...
March 1, 2004
A probability model is presented for the dynamics of mutation-selection balance in a haploid infinite-population infinite-sites setting sufficiently general to cover mutation-driven changes in full age-specific demographic schedules. The model accommodates epistatic as well as additive selective costs. Closed form characterizations are obtained for solutions in finite time, along with proofs of convergence to stationary distributions and a proof of the uniqueness of solutions...
January 6, 2021
In unicellular organisms such as bacteria and in most viruses, mutations mainly occur during reproduction. Thus, genotypes with a high birth rate should have a higher mutation rate. However, standard models of asexual adaptation such as the 'replicator-mutator equation' often neglect this effect. In this study, we investigate the emergence of a positive dependence between the birth rate and the mutation rate in models of asexual adaptation and the consequences of this depende...
September 3, 1997
We present a model for biological aging that considers the number of individuals whose (inherited) genetic charge determines the maximum age for death: each individual may die before that age due to some external factor, but never after that limit. The genetic charge of the offspring is inherited from the parent with some mutations, described by a transition matrix. The model can describe different strategies of reproduction and it is exactly soluble. We applied our method to...
December 23, 2003
Author's early work on aging is developed to yield a relationship between life spans and the velocity of aging. The mathematical analysis shows that the mean extent of the advancement of aging throughout one's life is conserved, or equivalently, the product of the mean life span, and the mean rate of aging is constant. The result is in harmony with our experiences: It accounts for the unlimited replicability of tumor cells, and predicts the prolonged life spans of hibernating...
February 19, 2015
Many life-history traits, like the age at maturity or adult longevity, are important determinants of the generation time. For instance, semelparous species whose adults reproduce once and die have shorter generation times than iteroparous species that reproduce on several occasions. A shorter generation time ensures a higher growth rate in stable environments where resources are in excess, and is therefore a positively selected feature in this (rarely met) situation. In a sta...
May 10, 2015
We consider a model for Darwinian evolution in an asexual population with a large but non-constant populations size characterized by a natural birth rate, a logistic death rate modelling competition and a probability of mutation at each birth event. In the present paper, we study the long-term behavior of the system in the limit of large population $(K\to \infty)$ size, rare mutations $(u\to 0)$, and small mutational effects $(\sigma\to 0)$, proving convergence to the canonic...
July 17, 2014
Motivated by the wide range of known self-replicating systems, some far from genetics, we study a system composed by individuals having an internal dynamics with many possible states that are partially stable, with varying mutation rates. Individuals reproduce and die with a rate that is a property of each state, not necessarily related to its stability, and the offspring is born on the parent's state. The total population is limited by resources or space, as for example in a...
November 28, 2019
This article is a presentation of specific recent results describing scaling limits of individual-based models. Thanks to them, we wish to relate the time-scales typical of demographic dynamics and natural selection to the parameters of the individual-based models. Although these results are by no means exhaustive, both on the mathematical and the biological level, they complement each other. Indeed, they provide a viewpoint for many classical time-scales. Namely, they encomp...
October 26, 2007
We are interested in a stochastic model of trait and age-structured population undergoing mutation and selection. We start with a continuous time, discrete individual-centered population process. Taking the large population and rare mutations limits under a well-chosen time-scale separation condition, we obtain a jump process that generalizes the Trait Substitution Sequence process describing Adaptive Dynamics for populations without age structure. Under the additional assump...