ID: cond-mat/0003416

Is Random Close Packing of Spheres Well Defined?

March 25, 2000

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Salvatore Torquato, Thomas M. Truskett, Pablo G. Debenedetti
Condensed Matter
Statistical Mechanics
Materials Science

Despite its long history, there are many fundamental issues concerning random packings of spheres that remain elusive, including a precise definition of random close packing (RCP). We argue that the current picture of RCP cannot be made mathematically precise and support this conclusion via a molecular dynamics study of hard spheres using the Lubachevsky-Stillinger compression algorithm. We suggest that this impasse can be broken by introducing the new concept of a maximally random jammed state, which can be made precise.

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Random packing in three dimensions

April 30, 2023

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Chaoming Song
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Unraveling the complexities of random packing in three dimensions has long puzzled physicists. While both experiments and simulations consistently show a maximum density of 64 percent for tightly packed random spheres, we still lack an unambiguous and universally accepted definition of random packing. This paper introduces an innovative standpoint, depicting random packing as spheres closest to a quenched Poisson field of random points. We furnish an efficacious algorithm to ...

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A jamming plane of sphere packings

March 24, 2020

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Yuliang Jin, Hajime Yoshino
Soft Condensed Matter
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The concept of jamming has attracted great research interest due to its broad relevance in soft matter such as liquids, glasses, colloids, foams, and granular materials, and its deep connection to the sphere packing problem and optimization problems. Here we show that the domain of amorphous jammed states of frictionless spheres can be significantly extended, from the well-known jamming-point at a fixed density, to a jamming-plane that spans the density and shear strain axes....

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Disordered jammed packings of frictionless spheres

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Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Antonio Coniglio, Candia Antonio de
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At low volume fraction, disordered arrangements of frictionless spheres are found in un--jammed states unable to support applied stresses, while at high volume fraction they are found in jammed states with mechanical strength. Here we show, focusing on the hard sphere zero pressure limit, that the transition between un-jammed and jammed states does not occur at a single value of the volume fraction, but in a whole volume fraction range. This result is obtained via the direct ...

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Jamming II: Edwards' statistical mechanics of random packings of hard spheres

August 15, 2008

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Ping Wang, Chaoming Song, ... , Makse Hernan A.
Soft Condensed Matter
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The problem of finding the most efficient way to pack spheres has an illustrious history, dating back to the crystalline arrays conjectured by Kepler and the random geometries explored by Bernal in the 60's. This problem finds applications spanning from the mathematician's pencil, the processing of granular materials, the jamming and glass transitions, all the way to fruit packing in every grocery. There are presently numerous experiments showing that the loosest way to pack ...

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Theory of random packings

January 29, 2010

91% Match
Chaoming Song, Ping Wang, Hernan A. Makse
Soft Condensed Matter

We review a recently proposed theory of random packings. We describe the volume fluctuations in jammed matter through a volume function, amenable to analytical and numerical calculations. We combine an extended statistical mechanics approach 'a la Edwards' (where the role traditionally played by the energy and temperature in thermal systems is substituted by the volume and compactivity) with a constraint on mechanical stability imposed by the isostatic condition. We show how ...

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Jammed Hard-Particle Packings: From Kepler to Bernal and Beyond

August 17, 2010

91% Match
Salvatore Torquato, Frank H. Stillinger
Statistical Mechanics

This review describes the diversity of jammed configurations attainable by frictionless convex nonoverlapping (hard) particles in Euclidean spaces and for that purpose it stresses individual-packing geometric analysis. A fundamental feature of that diversity is the necessity to classify individual jammed configurations according to whether they are locally, collectively, or strictly jammed. Each of these categories contains a multitude of jammed configurations spanning a wide...

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Non-Universality of Density and Disorder in Jammed Sphere Packings

January 6, 2011

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Yang Jiao, Frank H. Stillinger, Sal Torquato
Statistical Mechanics
Soft Condensed Matter

We show for the first time that collectively jammed disordered packings of three-dimensional monodisperse frictionless hard spheres can be produced and tuned using a novel numerical protocol with packing density $\phi$ as low as 0.6. This is well below the value of 0.64 associated with the maximally random jammed state and entirely unrelated to the ill-defined ``random loose packing'' state density. Specifically, collectively jammed packings are generated with a very narrow d...

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A first-order phase transition at the random close packing of hard spheres

January 28, 2010

90% Match
Yuliang Jin, Hernan A. Makse
Soft Condensed Matter
Disordered Systems and Neura...

Randomly packing spheres of equal size into a container consistently results in a static configuration with a density of ~64%. The ubiquity of random close packing (RCP) rather than the optimal crystalline array at 74% begs the question of the physical law behind this empirically deduced state. Indeed, there is no signature of any macroscopic quantity with a discontinuity associated with the observed packing limit. Here we show that RCP can be interpreted as a manifestation o...

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Jamming III: Characterizing Randomness via the Entropy of Jammed Matter

September 23, 2009

90% Match
Christopher Briscoe, Chaoming Song, ... , Makse Hernan A.
Soft Condensed Matter
Disordered Systems and Neura...

The nature of randomness in disordered packings of frictional and frictionless spheres is investigated using theory and simulations of identical spherical grains. The entropy of the packings is defined through the force and volume ensemble of jammed matter and shown difficult to calculate analytically. A mesoscopic ensemble of isostatic states is then utilized in an effort to predict the entropy through the defnition of a volume function dependent on the coordination number. ...

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Random close packing of polydisperse hard spheres

March 24, 2009

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Michiel Hermes, Marjolein Dijkstra
Soft Condensed Matter

We study jammed configurations of hard spheres as a function of compression speed using an event-driven molecular dynamics algorithm. We find that during the compression, the pressure follows closely the metastable liquid branch until the system gets arrested into a glass state as the relaxation time exceeds the compression speed. Further compression yields a jammed configuration that can be regarded as the infinite pressure configuration of that glass state. Consequently, we...

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