ID: cond-mat/0403172

Parallel dynamics of disordered Ising spin systems on finitely connected random graphs

March 5, 2004

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Generalized mean field approximation for parallel dynamics of the Ising model

October 21, 2013

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Hamed Mahmoudi, David Saad
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

The dynamics of non-equilibrium Ising model with parallel updates is investigated using a generalized mean field approximation that incorporates multiple two-site correlations at any two time steps, which can be obtained recursively. The proposed method shows significant improvement in predicting local system properties compared to other mean field approximation techniques, particularly in systems with symmetric interactions. Results are also evaluated against those obtained ...

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"Exact" Algorithm for Random-Bond Ising Models in 2D

October 30, 2006

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Y. L. Loh, E. W. Carlson
Statistical Mechanics
Disordered Systems and Neura...

We present an efficient algorithm for calculating the properties of Ising models in two dimensions, directly in the spin basis, without the need for mapping to fermion or dimer models. The algorithm gives numerically exact results for the partition function and correlation functions at a single temperature on any planar network of N Ising spins in O(N^{3/2}) time or less. The method can handle continuous or discrete bond disorder and is especially efficient in the case of bon...

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Monte Carlo Studies of Ising Spin Glasses and Random Field Systems

November 3, 1994

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H. Rieger
Condensed Matter
High Energy Physics - Lattic...

We review recent numerical progress in the study of finite dimensional strongly disordered magnetic systems like spin glasses and random field systems. In particular we report in some details results for the critical properties and the non-equilibrium dynamics of Ising spin glasses. Furthermore we present an overview over recent investigations on the random field Ising model and finally of quantum spin glasses.

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Temporally disordered Ising models

December 19, 2000

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Juan J. Alonso, Miguel A. Munoz
Condensed Matter

We present a study of the influence of different types of disorder on systems in the Ising universality class by employing both a dynamical field theory approach and extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We reproduce some well known results for the case of quenched disorder (random temperature and random field), and analyze the effect of four different types of time-dependent disorder scarcely studied so far in the literature. Some of them are of obvious experimental and theoret...

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Exact statistical mechanics of the Ising model on networks

November 8, 2021

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Konstantin Klemm
Statistical Mechanics
Disordered Systems and Neura...

The Ising model is an equilibrium stochastic process used as a model in several branches of science including magnetic materials, geophysics, neuroscience, sociology and finance. Real systems of interest have finite size and a fixed coupling matrix exhibiting quenched disorder. Exact methods for the Ising model, however, employ infinite size limits, translational symmetries of lattices and the Cayley tree, or annealed structures as ensembles of networks. Here we show how the ...

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Exact ground states of one-dimensional long-range random-field Ising magnets

July 15, 2013

84% Match
Timo Dewenter, Alexander K. Hartmann
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics
Computational Physics

We investigate the one-dimensional long-range random-field Ising magnet with Gaussian distribution of the random fields. In this model, a ferromagnetic bond between two spins is placed with a probability $p \sim r^{-1-\sigma}$, where $r$ is the distance between these spins and $\sigma$ is a parameter to control the effective dimension of the model. Exact ground states at zero temperature are calculated for system sizes up to $L = 2^{19}$ via graph theoretical algorithms for f...

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Kinetic Ising models with various single-spin flip dynamics on quenched and annealed random regular graphs

March 10, 2017

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Arkadiusz Jędrzejewski, Anna Chmiel, Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron
Statistical Mechanics

We investigate a kinetic Ising model with several single-spin flip dynamics (including Metropolis and heat-bath) on quenched and annealed random regular graphs. As expected, on the quenched structures all proposed algorithms reproduce the same results since the conditions for the detailed balance and the Boltzmann distribution in an equilibrium are satisfied. However, on the annealed graphs situation is far less clear -- the network annealing disturbs the equilibrium moving t...

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Stratified Sampling for the Ising Model: A Graph-Theoretic Approach

June 19, 2013

84% Match
Amanda Streib, Noah Streib, ... , Sullivan Francis
Statistical Mechanics

We present a new approach to a classical problem in statistical physics: estimating the partition function and other thermodynamic quantities of the ferromagnetic Ising model. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for this problem have been well-studied, although an algorithm that is truly practical remains elusive. Our approach takes advantage of the fact that, for a fixed bond strength, studying the ferromagnetic Ising model is a question of counting particular subgraphs of a gi...

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The full replica symmetry breaking in the Ising spin glass on random regular graph

December 1, 2017

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Francesco Concetti
Statistical Mechanics

In this paper, we extend the full replica symmetry breaking scheme to the Ising spin glass on a random regular graph. We propose a new martingale approach, that overcomes the limits of the Parisi-M\'ezard cavity method, providing a well-defined formulation of the full replica symmetry breaking problem in random regular graphs. Finally, we define the order parameters of the system and get a set of self-consistency equations for the order parameters and the free energy. We face...

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Path integral methods for the dynamics of stochastic and disordered systems

April 20, 2016

84% Match
John A. Hertz, Yasser Roudi, Peter Sollich
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

We review some of the techniques used to study the dynamics of disordered systems subject to both quenched and fast (thermal) noise. Starting from the Martin-Siggia-Rose path integral formalism for a single variable stochastic dynamics, we provide a pedagogical survey of the perturbative, i.e. diagrammatic, approach to dynamics and how this formalism can be used for studying soft spin models. We review the supersymmetric formulation of the Langevin dynamics of these models an...

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