May 25, 2004
We study the family of network models derived by requiring the expected properties of a graph ensemble to match a given set of measurements of a real-world network, while maximizing the entropy of the ensemble. Models of this type play the same role in the study of networks as is played by the Boltzmann distribution in classical statistical mechanics; they offer the best prediction of network properties subject to the constraints imposed by a given set of observations. We give exact solutions of models within this class that incorporate arbitrary degree distributions and arbitrary but independent edge probabilities. We also discuss some more complex examples with correlated edges that can be solved approximately or exactly by adapting various familiar methods, including mean-field theory, perturbation theory, and saddle-point expansions.
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January 30, 2004
In this article we give an in depth overview of the recent advances in the field of equilibrium networks. After outlining this topic, we provide a novel way of defining equilibrium graph (network) ensembles. We illustrate this concept on the classical random graph model and then survey a large variety of recently studied network models. Next, we analyze the structural properties of the graphs in these ensembles in terms of both local and global characteristics, such as degree...
October 11, 2018
In the last 15 years, statistical physics has been a very successful framework to model complex networks. On the theoretical side, this approach has brought novel insights into a variety of physical phenomena, such as self-organisation, scale invariance, emergence of mixed distributions and ensemble non-equivalence, that display unconventional features on heterogeneous networks. At the same time, thanks to their deep connection with information theory, statistical physics and...
August 12, 2009
We study the tailoring of structured random graph ensembles to real networks, with the objective of generating precise and practical mathematical tools for quantifying and comparing network topologies macroscopically, beyond the level of degree statistics. Our family of ensembles can produce graphs with any prescribed degree distribution and any degree-degree correlation function, its control parameters can be calculated fully analytically, and as a result we can calculate (a...
March 7, 2007
We present a statistical mechanics approach for the description of complex networks. We first define an energy and an entropy associated to a degree distribution which have a geometrical interpretation. Next we evaluate the distribution which extremize the free energy of the network. We find two important limiting cases: a scale-free degree distribution and a finite-scale degree distribution. The size of the space of allowed simple networks given these distribution is evaluat...
February 20, 2008
In this paper we generalize the concept of random networks to describe networks with non trivial features by a statistical mechanics approach. This framework is able to describe ensembles of undirected, directed as well as weighted networks. These networks might have not trivial community structure or, in the case of networks embedded in a given space, non trivial distance dependence of the link probability. These ensembles are characterized by their entropy which evaluate th...
April 4, 2002
We develop a statistical mechanics approach for random networks with uncorrelated vertices. We construct equilibrium statistical ensembles of such networks and obtain their partition functions and main characteristics. We find simple dynamical construction procedures that produce equilibrium uncorrelated random graphs with an arbitrary degree distribution. In particular, we show that in equilibrium uncorrelated networks, fat-tailed degree distributions may exist only starting...
January 31, 2011
We generate new mathematical tools with which to quantify the macroscopic topological structure of large directed networks. This is achieved via a statistical mechanical analysis of constrained maximum entropy ensembles of directed random graphs with prescribed joint distributions for in- and outdegrees and prescribed degree-degree correlation functions. We calculate exact and explicit formulae for the leading orders in the system size of the Shannon entropies and complexitie...
June 10, 2002
Using a maximum entropy principle to assign a statistical weight to any graph, we introduce a model of random graphs with arbitrary degree distribution in the framework of standard statistical mechanics. We compute the free energy and the distribution of connected components. We determine the size of the percolation cluster above the percolation threshold. The conditional degree distribution on the percolation cluster is also given. We briefly present the analogous discussion...
February 12, 2002
The random graph of Erdos and Renyi is one of the oldest and best studied models of a network, and possesses the considerable advantage of being exactly solvable for many of its average properties. However, as a model of real-world networks such as the Internet, social networks or biological networks it leaves a lot to be desired. In particular, it differs from real networks in two crucial ways: it lacks network clustering or transitivity, and it has an unrealistic Poissonian...
February 1, 2017
We develop approximate estimation methods for exponential random graph models (ERGMs), whose likelihood is proportional to an intractable normalizing constant. The usual approach approximates this constant with Monte Carlo simulations, however convergence may be exponentially slow. We propose a deterministic method, based on a variational mean-field approximation of the ERGM's normalizing constant. We compute lower and upper bounds for the approximation error for any network ...