November 15, 2004
We show how scale-free degree distributions can emerge naturally from growing networks by using random walks for selecting vertices for attachment. This result holds for several variants of the walk algorithm and for a wide range of parameters. The growth mechanism is based on using local graph information only, so this is a process of self-organisation. The standard mean-field equations are an excellent approximation for network growth using these rules. We discuss the effec...
September 1, 2020
Network science provides an indispensable theoretical framework for studying the structure and function of real complex systems. Different network models are often used for finding the rules that govern their evolution, whereby the correct choice of model details is crucial for obtaining relevant insights. We here study how the structure of networks generated with the aging nodes model depends on the properties of the growth signal. We use different fluctuating signals and co...
June 16, 2004
In this work we study a simple evolutionary model of bipartite networks which its evolution is based on the duplication of nodes. Using analytical results along with numerical simulation of the model, we show that the above evolutionary model results in weighted scale free networks. Indeed we find that in the one mode picture we have weighted networks with scale free distributions for interesting quantities like the weights, the degrees and the weighted degrees of the nodes a...
July 26, 2016
We propose generalizations of a number of standard network models, including the classic random graph, the configuration model, and the stochastic block model, to the case of time-varying networks. We assume that the presence and absence of edges are governed by continuous-time Markov processes with rate parameters that can depend on properties of the nodes. In addition to computing equilibrium properties of these models, we demonstrate their use in data analysis and statisti...
June 4, 2021
In the paper, we present an incremental approach in the construction of scale free networks with hidden variables. The work arises from the necessity to generate that type of networks with a given number of links instead of obtaining a random configurations for a given set of parameters as in the usual literature. I propose an analytical approach of network evolution models gathering information along time based on the construction of a stochastic process on the space of poss...
September 26, 2007
This paper presents an evolution model of weighted networks in which the structural growth and weight dynamics are driven by human behavior, i.e. passenger route choice behavior. Transportation networks grow due to people's increasing travel demand and the pattern of growth is determined by their route choice behavior. In airline networks passengers often transfer from a third airport instead of flying directly to the destination, which contributes to the hubs formation and f...
January 10, 2003
We propose and study a model of weighted scale-free networks incorporating a stochastic scheme for weight assignments to the links, taking into account both the popularity and fitness of a node. As the network grows the weights of links are driven either by the connectivity with probability $p$ or by the fitness with probability $1-p$. Results of numerical simulations show that the total weight associated with a selected node exhibits a power law distribution with an exponent...
July 30, 2001
In the context of growing networks, we introduce a simple dynamical model that unifies the generic features of real networks: scale-free distribution of degree and the small world effect. While the average shortest path length increases logartihmically as in random networks, the clustering coefficient assumes a large value independent of system size. We derive expressions for the clustering coefficient in two limiting cases: random (C ~ (ln N)^2 / N) and highly clustered (C =...
November 29, 2015
Real world complex networks are scale free and possess meso-scale properties like core-periphery and community structure. We study evolution of the core over time in real world networks. This paper proposes evolving models for both unweighted and weighted scale free networks having local and global core-periphery as well as community structure. Network evolves using topological growth, self growth, and weight distribution function. To validate the correctness of proposed mode...
January 9, 2011
In this paper, we propose a new model that allows us to investigate this competitive aspect of real networks in quantitative terms. Through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, we find that the competitive network have the universality for a weighted network. The relation between parameters in the weighted network and the competitiveness in the competitive network is obtained. So we can use the expression of the degree distribution of the competitive model to calcu...