August 27, 2004
Structural properties of evolving random graphs are investigated. Treating linking as a dynamic aggregation process, rate equations for the distribution of node to node distances (paths) and of cycles are formulated and solved analytically. At the gelation point, the typical length of paths and cycles, l, scales with the component size k as l ~ k^{1/2}. Dynamic and finite-size scaling laws for the behavior at and near the gelation point are obtained. Finite-size scaling laws are verified using numerical simulations.
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Statistical properties of evolving random graphs are analyzed using kinetic theory. Treating the linking process dynamically, structural characteristics such as links, paths, cycles, and components are obtained analytically using the rate equation approach. Scaling laws for finite systems are derived using extreme statistics and scaling arguments.
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A model for growing networks is introduced, having as a main ingredient that new nodes are attached to the network through one existing node and then explore the network through the links of the visited nodes. From exact calculations of two limiting cases and numerical simulations the phase diagram of the model is obtained. In the stationary limit, large network sizes, a phase transition from a network with finite average connectivity to a network with a power law distributio...
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We discuss various aspects of the statistical formulation of the theory of random graphs, with emphasis on results obtained in a series of our recent publications.
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June 8, 2001
We review the recent fast progress in statistical physics of evolving networks. Interest has focused mainly on the structural properties of random complex networks in communications, biology, social sciences and economics. A number of giant artificial networks of such a kind came into existence recently. This opens a wide field for the study of their topology, evolution, and complex processes occurring in them. Such networks possess a rich set of scaling properties. A number ...
June 6, 2001
Complex networks describe a wide range of systems in nature and society, much quoted examples including the cell, a network of chemicals linked by chemical reactions, or the Internet, a network of routers and computers connected by physical links. While traditionally these systems were modeled as random graphs, it is increasingly recognized that the topology and evolution of real networks is governed by robust organizing principles. Here we review the recent advances in the f...
August 29, 2003
The poster presents an analytic formalism describing metric properties of undirected random graphs with arbitrary degree distributions and statistically uncorrelated (i.e. randomly connected) vertices. The formalism allows to calculate the main network characteristics like: the position of the phase transition at which a giant component first forms, the mean component size below the phase transition, the size of the giant component and the average path length above the phase ...
March 21, 2004
We study the distribution of cycles of length h in large networks (of size N>>1) and find it to be an excellent ergodic estimator, even in the extreme inhomogeneous case of scale-free networks. The distribution is sharply peaked around a characteristic cycle length, h* ~ N^a. Our results suggest that h* and the exponent a might usefully characterize broad families of networks. In addition to an exact counting of cycles in hierarchical nets, we present a Monte-Carlo sampling a...
November 15, 2004
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