March 21, 2005
The evaluation of the number of attractors in Kauffman networks by Samuelsson and Troein is generalized to critical networks with one input per node and to networks with two inputs per node and different probability distributions for update functions. A connection is made between the terms occurring in the calculation and between the more graphic concepts of frozen, nonfrozen and relevant nodes, and relevant components. Based on this understanding, a phenomenological argument is given that reproduces the dependence of the attractor numbers on system size.
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June 30, 2005
We derive mostly analytically the scaling behavior of the number of nonfrozen and relevant nodes in critical Kauffman networks (with two inputs per node) in the thermodynamic limit. By defining and analyzing a stochastic process that determines the frozen core we can prove that the mean number of nonfrozen nodes scales with the network size N as N^{2/3}, with only N^{1/3} nonfrozen nodes having two nonfrozen inputs. We also show the probability distributions for the numbers o...
November 2, 2005
We study critical random Boolean networks with two inputs per node that contain only canalyzing functions. We present a phenomenological theory that explains how a frozen core of nodes that are frozen on all attractors arises. This theory leads to an intuitive understanding of the system's dynamics as it demonstrates the analogy between standard random Boolean networks and networks with canalyzing functions only. It reproduces correctly the scaling of the number of nonfrozen ...
June 23, 2006
We derive analytically the scaling behavior in the thermodynamic limit of the number of nonfrozen and relevant nodes in the most general class of critical Kauffman networks for any number of inputs per node, and for any choice of the probability distribution for the Boolean functions. By defining and analyzing a stochastic process that determines the frozen core we can prove that the mean number of nonfrozen nodes in any critical network with more than one input per node scal...
June 22, 2007
This review explains in a self-contained way the properties of random Boolean networks and their attractors, with a special focus on critical networks. Using small example networks, analytical calculations, phenomenological arguments, and problems to solve, the basic concepts are introduced and important results concerning phase diagrams, numbers of relevant nodes and attractor properties are derived.
November 1, 2002
The Kauffman model describes a particularly simple class of random Boolean networks. Despite the simplicity of the model, it exhibits complex behavior and has been suggested as a model for real world network problems. We introduce a novel approach to analyzing attractors in random Boolean networks, and applying it to Kauffman networks we prove that the average number of attractors grows faster than any power law with system size.
March 10, 2010
We introduce a numerical method to study random Boolean networks with asynchronous stochas- tic update. Each node in the network of states starts with equal occupation probability and this probability distribution then evolves to a steady state. Nodes left with finite occupation probability determine the attractors and the sizes of their basins. As for synchronous update, the basin entropy grows with system size only for critical networks, where the distribution of attractor ...
October 22, 2004
The Kauffman model describes a system of randomly connected nodes with dynamics based on Boolean update functions. Though it is a simple model, it exhibits very complex behavior for "critical" parameter values at the boundary between a frozen and a disordered phase, and is therefore used for studies of real network problems. We prove here that the mean number and mean length of attractors in critical random Boolean networks with connectivity one both increase faster than any ...
December 16, 2004
Despite their apparent simplicity, random Boolean networks display a rich variety of dynamical behaviors. Much work has been focused on the properties and abundance of attractors. We here derive an expression for the number of attractors in the special case of one input per node. Approximating some other non-chaotic networks to be of this class, we apply the analytic results to them. For this approximation, we observe a strikingly good agreement on the numbers of attractors o...
January 5, 2005
We show that the mean number of attractors in a critical Boolean network under asynchronous stochastic update grows like a power law and that the mean size of the attractors increases as a stretched exponential with the system size. This is in strong contrast to the synchronous case, where the number of attractors grows faster than any power law.
November 4, 2004
Boolean networks at the critical point have been a matter of debate for many years as, e.g., scaling of number of attractor with system size. Recently it was found that this number scales superpolynomially with system size, contrary to a common earlier expectation of sublinear scaling. We here point to the fact that these results are obtained using deterministic parallel update, where a large fraction of attractors in fact are an artifact of the updating scheme. This limits t...