ID: cond-mat/0607494

A Numerical Renormalization Group approach to Green's Functions for Quantum Impurity Models

July 19, 2006

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Generalized Wilson Chain for solving multichannel quantum impurity problems

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The Numerical Renormalization Group is used to solve quantum impurity problems, which describe magnetic impurities in metals, nanodevices, and correlated materials within DMFT. Here we present a simple generalization of the Wilson Chain, which improves the scaling of computational cost with the number of channels/bands, bringing new problems within reach. The method is applied to calculate the t-matrix of the three-channel Kondo model at T=0, which shows universal crossovers ...

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Computing local multipoint correlators using the numerical renormalization group

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Local three- and four-point correlators yield important insight into strongly correlated systems and have many applications. However, the nonperturbative, accurate computation of multipoint correlators is challenging, particularly in the real-frequency domain for systems at low temperatures. In the accompanying paper, we introduce generalized spectral representations for multipoint correlators. Here, we develop a numerical renormalization group (NRG) approach, capable of effi...

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Numerical renormalization group calculation of impurity internal energy and specific heat of quantum impurity models

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L. Merker, T. A. Costi
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We introduce a method to obtain the specific heat of quantum impurity models via a direct calculation of the impurity internal energy requiring only the evaluation of local quantities within a single numerical renormalization group (NRG) calculation for the total system. For the Anderson impurity model, we show that the impurity internal energy can be expressed as a sum of purely local static correlation functions and a term that involves also the impurity Green function. The...

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Calculating Green Functions from Finite Systems

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Peter Schmitteckert
Strongly Correlated Electron...

In calculating Green functions for interacting quantum systems numerically one often has to resort to finite systems which introduces a finite size level spacing. In order to describe the limit of system size going to infinity correctly, one has to introduce an artificial broadening larger than the finite size level discretization. In this work we compare various discretization schemes for impurity problems, i.e. a small system coupled to leads. Starting from a naive linear d...

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Numerical Renormalization Group for Quantum Impurities in a Bosonic Bath

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Ralf Bulla, Hyun-Jung Lee, ... , Vojta Matthias
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Statistical Mechanics

We present a detailed description of the recently proposed numerical renormalization group method for models of quantum impurities coupled to a bosonic bath. Specifically, the method is applied to the spin-boson model, both in the Ohmic and sub-Ohmic cases. We present various results for static as well as dynamic quantities and discuss details of the numerical implementation, e.g., the discretization of a bosonic bath with arbitrary continuous spectral density, the suitable c...

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An introduction to many-body Green's functions in and out of equilibrium

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J. K. Freericks
Strongly Correlated Electron...

This is an introductory chapter on how to calculate nonequilibrium Green's functions via dynamical mean-field theory for the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons: Many-Body Methods for Real Materials, 16-20 September 2019, Forschungszentrum Juelich. It is appropriate for graduate students with a solid state physics and advanced quantum mechanics background.

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Statistical Green's Functions

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V. I. Yukalov
Statistical Mechanics

The basic mathematical properties of Green's functions used in statistical mechanics as well as the equations defining these functions and the techniques of solving these equations are reviewed. An approach is presented called the Correlated Iteration Theory, which has been developed by the author. This approach differs from all other known variants of perturbation theory for Green's functions by the combination of two factors: the systematic formulation of an algorithm for o...

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A Numerical Renormalization Group for Continuum One-Dimensional Systems

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86% Match
Robert M. Konik, Yury Adamov
Strongly Correlated Electron...

We present a renormalization group (RG) procedure which works naturally on a wide class of interacting one-dimension models based on perturbed (possibly strongly) continuum conformal and integrable models. This procedure integrates Kenneth Wilson's numerical renormalization group with Al. B. Zamolodchikov's truncated conformal spectrum approach. Key to the method is that such theories provide a set of completely understood eigenstates for which matrix elements can be exactly ...

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Density-matrix renormalization group methods for momentum- and frequency-resolved dynamical correlation functions

August 19, 2008

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Eric Jeckelmann
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Several density-matrix renormalization group methods have been proposed to compute the momentum- and frequency-resolved dynamical correlation functions of low-dimensional strongly correlated systems. The most relevant approaches are discussed in this contribution. Their applications in various studies of quasi-one-dimensional strongly correlated systems (spin chains, itinerant electron systems, electron-phonon systems) are reviewed.

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Real-time dynamics in Quantum Impurity Systems: A Time-dependent Numerical Renormalization Group Approach

May 23, 2005

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Frithjof B. Anders, Avraham Schiller
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Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

We develop a general approach to the nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum impurity systems for arbitrary coupling strength. The numerical renormalization group is used to generate a complete basis set necessary for the correct description of the time evolution. We benchmark our method with the exact analytical solution for the resonant-level model. As a first application, we investigate the equilibration of a quantum dot subject to a sudden change of the gate voltage and extern...

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