ID: cond-mat/0608208

Structure of Optimal Transport Networks Subject to a Global Constraint

August 9, 2006

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Marc MSC Durand
Condensed Matter
Nonlinear Sciences
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics
Optimization and Control
Adaptation and Self-Organizi...

The structure of pipe networks minimizing the total energy dissipation rate is studied analytically. Among all the possible pipe networks that can be built with a given total pipe volume (or pipe lateral surface area), the network which minimizes the dissipation rate is shown to be loopless. Furthermore, such an optimal network is shown to contain at most N-2 nodes in addition to the N sources plus sinks that it connects. These results are valid whether the possible locations for the additional nodes are chosen freely or from a set of nodes (such as points of a grid). Applications of these results to various physical situations and to the efficient computation of optimal pipe networks are also discussed.

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