ID: cond-mat/0611327

Ising Quantum Chains

November 13, 2006

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Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in the Transverse Field Ising Model

June 12, 2012

88% Match
Markus Heyl, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Stefan Kehrein
Statistical Mechanics
Other Condensed Matter

A phase transition indicates a sudden change in the properties of a large system. For temperature-driven phase transitions this is related to non-analytic behavior of the free energy density at the critical temperature: The knowledge of the free energy density in one phase is insufficient to predict the properties of the other phase. In this paper we show that a close analogue of this behavior can occur in the real time evolution of quantum systems, namely non-analytic behavi...

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Long range correlations in the non-equilibrium quantum relaxation of a spin chain

March 11, 2000

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F. Igloi, H. Rieger
Statistical Mechanics

We consider the non-stationary quantum relaxation of the Ising spin chain in a transverse field of strength h. Starting from a homogeneously magnetized initial state the system approaches a stationary state by a process possessing quasi long range correlations in time and space, independent of the value of $h$. In particular the system exhibits aging (or lack of time translational invariance on intermediate time scales) although no indications of coarsening are present.

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Quasi-Periodically Driven Quantum Ising Chains

August 25, 2022

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Dhruvil Doshi
Statistical Mechanics

Understanding the equilibration of isolated quantum systems under unitary dynamics is an interesting topic. In this paper, we look at the early time behaviour of periodically and quasi-periodically driven Transverse field Ising chains when and their corresponding dynamical free energies. We study the system under different frequencies and observe how the system evolves with changes in the field amplitudes in both types of oscillations.

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Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin-1/2 Ising Chain in Regularly Alternating Transverse Field: Spin Correlation Functions

June 5, 2005

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Oleg Derzhko, Taras Krokhmalskii
Statistical Mechanics

We consider the spin-1/2 Ising chain in a regularly alternating transverse field to examine the effects of regular alternation on the quantum phase transition inherent in the quantum Ising chain. The number of quantum phase transition points strongly depends on the specific set of the Hamiltonian parameters but never exceeds 2p where p is the period of alternation. Calculating the spin correlation functions numerically (for long chains of up to 5400 sites) and determining the...

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Quantum kinetic perturbation theory for near-integrable spin chains with weak long-range interactions

March 13, 2019

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Clément Duval, Michael Kastner
Statistical Mechanics
Strongly Correlated Electron...

For a transverse-field Ising chain with weak long-range interactions we develop a perturbative scheme, based on quantum kinetic equations, around the integrable nearest-neighbour model. We introduce, discuss, and benchmark several truncations of the time evolution equations up to eighth order in the Jordan-Wigner fermionic operators. The resulting set of differential equations can be solved for lattices with $O(10^2)$ sites and facilitates the computation of spin expectation ...

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Exact thermal properties of free-fermionic spin chains

March 30, 2021

88% Match
Michał Białończyk, Fernando Javier Gómez-Ruiz, Campo Adolfo del
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics

An exact description of integrable spin chains at finite temperature is provided using an elementary algebraic approach in the complete Hilbert space of the system. We focus on spin chain models that admit a description in terms of free fermions, including paradigmatic examples such as the one-dimensional transverse-field quantum Ising and XY models. The exact partition function is derived and compared with the ubiquitous approximation in which only the positive parity sect...

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Signatures of Quantum Phase Transitions in Driven Dissipative Spin Chains

May 30, 2024

88% Match
Mostafa Ali, Naushad A. Kamar, ... , Maghrebi Mohammad
Quantum Gases

Open driven quantum systems have defined a powerful paradigm of non-equilibrium phases and phase transitions; however, quantum phase transitions are generically not expected in this setting due to the decohering effect of dissipation. In this work, we show that a driven-dissipative quantum spin chain exhibits a peculiar sensitivity to the ground-state quantum phase transition. Specifically, we consider a quantum Ising model subject to bulk dissipation (at rate $\Gamma$) and s...

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Time evolution during and after finite-time quantum quenches in the transverse-field Ising chain

August 19, 2016

88% Match
Tatjana Puskarov, Dirk Schuricht
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Statistical Mechanics

We study the time evolution in the transverse-field Ising chain subject to quantum quenches of finite duration, ie, a continuous change in the transverse magnetic field over a finite time. Specifically, we consider the dynamics of the total energy, one- and two-point correlation functions and Loschmidt echo during and after the quench as well as their stationary behaviour at late times. We investigate how different quench protocols affect the dynamics and identify universal p...

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Exact time-correlation functions of quantum Ising chain in a kicking transversal magnetic field

September 15, 2000

88% Match
Tomaz Prosen
Chaotic Dynamics

Spectral analysis of the {\em adjoint} propagator in a suitable Hilbert space (and Lie algebra) of quantum observables in Heisenberg picture is discussed as an alternative approach to characterize infinite temperature dynamics of non-linear quantum many-body systems or quantum fields, and to provide a bridge between ergodic properties of such systems and the results of classical ergodic theory. We begin by reviewing some recent analytic and numerical results along this lines....

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An introduction to the spectrum, symmetries, and dynamics of spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains

September 1, 2012

88% Match
Kira Joel, Davida Kollmar, Lea F. Santos
Statistical Mechanics

Quantum spin chains are prototype quantum many-body systems. They are employed in the description of various complex physical phenomena. The goal of this paper is to provide an introduction to the subject by focusing on the time evolution of a Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain and interpreting the results based on the analysis of the eigenvalues, eigenstates, and symmetries of the system. We make available online all computer codes used to obtain our data.

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